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联合印务,主要经营拼版印刷业务。Joint Printing, mainly engaged in printing business make-up.

拼版样已经审稿人审读通过。The page proofs have been read and approved by the responsible reader.

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电子排版用电脑辅助的排字和拼版。Electronic composition computer-assisted typeset ting and page make up.

亚历山大认为,阿泰斯特就是总冠军那块拼版。Alexander thinks Artest is the missing piece to a championship-caliber team.

SIA系统采用单帧存实时拼版硬件电路,解决了实时快速获取精子运动轨迹线的技术难点。A making up circuit was used in the SIA to get a real-time sperm track image.

在拼版后的书页加上顺序页码的情况。Pagination the numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.

“拼版只是整个活动的开始,”他说。"The pieces coming together is just a beginning component of the campaign, " he said.

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这只箱子的旁边是一块巨大的拼图底版,有一部分已经拼上了拼版——这就是过去。Beside it lies a huge board, partially filled with bits of the overall puzzle — that is the past.

一开始,我们就是生物学上的拼版玩具,期待着组装完整。From the beginning of time, we have been nothing more than a potential biological jigsaw puzzle waiting for assembly.

象这样是整拼版的不良,如果成品检验发现1片,就一定要查出和拼版数符合的不良板。九。The whole idea is like this bad, if finished goods inspection found 1 piece, must find out-with the number and bad board. 9

我们都有这样一种感觉,他将会是那块帮助我们在季后赛走得更深更远的拼版。"We feel like he's a strong piece to get us deeper and farther in the playoffs, " Rockets general manager Daryl Morey said.

制卡和会员卡制作厂对于两拼以上的产品,在拼版中一般使用两种方法。Business card printing and membership card production plant for more than two spell, the making-up in general there are two ways.

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这张拼版照片显示的是2月21日凌晨在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯拍摄的月全食过程。This shows that make-photos is the early morning of February 21 in Buenos Aires, Argentina\s total eclipse of the moon taken the course.

在单个拼版文件发生错误时,页面替换的功能,将使操作者快速地修改版面。When there is any error in any single joined file, the function of page substitution will enable the operator to quickly modify the pages.

因此,关于书刊印刷企业数字化生产流程建设方法的研究十分重要和必要,其重中之重又为折手模式化和拼版精度控制的研究。So study on the construction of digital workflow based on publication printing is very important, and the most important thing is imposing.

因为新闻标题要适合有极为有限的版面空间,报纸编辑在创作新闻标题时犹如玩拼版游戏一般。Because headlines have to fit in a restricted amount of space, the newspaper editor creates headlines the way you would build a jigsaw puzzle.

再有调整,则用网点腐蚀方法或使用电子拼版系统上的设备,修改分色片。Subsequently correction can be done by means of DOT-etchig or retouching on the color separations or on an electronic page composition system.

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数字制卡和会员卡制作系统都有很方便的拼版功能、自动分页功能,一个命令就解决问题。Digital business card printing and membership card production system has very handy imposition features, automatic paging functionality, a command to resolve the problem.

那些生活在现在的人每次做出一个决定,就是把手胡乱地伸进那个装者未来的箱子里,摸出一块拼版把它拼到底版上。Those in the present reach blindly into the box of the future every time they have a decision to make, draw a piece of the puzzle out and slot it into place on the board.

ELMS为你解决了这个难处,它为你提供租赁服务,你可以租赁这里的拼版长达三个月。ELMS Puzzles solves the dilemma by offering a rental program that lets you keep a puzzle for three months, by which time you should either be done or realize you've met your match.