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这是一间甚麽类型的食肆?。Which kind of restaurant is it?

你会用多少钱在该食肆用膳?。How much do you spend on that restaurant for a LUNCH ?

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但是外卖,熟肉及餐馆食肆价钱则增加。But prices for take away, prepared food and prices at the restaurants have increased.

在很多高级的食肆机构里,你的账单仅仅是写在一张小纸片上的一串数字。At many high-grade establishments, your bill will be only a number written on a slip of paper.

的士团体与食肆及消费场所合作,刺激消费者消费。Taxi operators are joining forces with eateries and retail outlets to boost consumer spending.

员工被革职的无数,不少旧工业区的食肆破产。Workers were sacked left and right. Many restaurants in the old industrial districts went bankrupt.

中心内将设有食肆、艺廊精品轩及其他商业租户,服务租户及到访市民。Cafe, gallery shops and other retail outlets will be available to serve tenants as well as visitors.

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而居酒屋绝不止是食肆这么简单,是个社交场所。However, Izakaya is not only a simple food premises, but it is also a place to establish social relationships.

基于批发、零售、进口与出口贸易、食肆及酒店按年经济统计调查的数字。Statistics are based on the Annual Survey of Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export Trades, Restaurants and Hotels.

澳门君悦酒店两间主题餐厅,灵感来自姊妹酒店的两间得奖食肆。For its two main restaurants, Grand Hyatt Macau has been inspired by two award-winning eateries in its sister hotels.

杜茸不肯到低下食肆,便走到酒家,在酒家门外遇到旧相识波少。Low chopped du will not come to restaurant, then go to the restaurant, the restaurant door meet old acquaintance wave.

随着备受赞誉的新歌剧院的落成,同时城中可供选择的高档食肆多不胜数,奥斯陆已成为游客必到旅游城市。With an acclaimed new opera house and plenty of high-end dining options, Oslo is already a must-visit urban destination.

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经营中式酒楼及火锅酒家。包括食肆指南、最新消息、集团简介。Operates Chinese restaurants and hot pot restaurants. Provides a list of restaurants, feature articles, and company profile.

经营时尚西式食肆。提供餐牌、预订表格、推广优惠、加盟资讯等。Serves contemporary western cuisine. Provides sample menu, reservation form, current promotions and franchising information.

她鼓励食肆提供健康的选择,对他们的菜单,并宣传他们的主菜的卡路里的数量。She encourages restaurants to offer healthy choices on their menus, and to advertise the number of calories in their entrees.

谈到食物安全,孙耀威爆出老窦经常「微服」充当食客,监察食肆卫生。When we talked about food safety, Eric disclosed that his father always pretended to be a customer inspecting the hygienic conditions of restaurants.

大厦内设高科技办公室、豪华酒店、电视广播中心、戏院、学校、博物馆、时装店、会所酒吧和食肆。Building internal high-tech offices, luxury hotels, television broadcasting centres, cinemas, schools, museums, boutiques , bars and restaurants clubs.

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在那个时间,这是经常用来作为制服的女服务员在食肆及其他女性雇员,但也由数个其他妇女,深信其魅力。At that time, it was often used as a uniform for waitresses in restaurants and other female employees, but also by a few other women, convinced of its charm.

政府饬令观塘一持牌小食店暂时关闭,以进行彻底清洗消毒工作,因证实两宗新的食物中毒个案与该食肆有关。The Government ordered the closure of a licensed fastfood shop in Kwun Tong for thorough disinfection, following the confirmation of two new food poisoning cases.

就算是不乱歪诗,仅仅是经常有客人乱在墙上题诗,酒店高档食肆餐厅也承担不起如此捣乱。Even hotels couldn't bear poems with no political attack government today, because of high quality decoration of dinning rooms would be damaged by any guest's painting on the walls around.