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比利时宣告成立独立王国。Belgium was proclaimed an independent kingdom.

他们在官府和百姓之间构筑了一个独立王国。They are among the officials and the people built an independent kingdom.

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在条约口岸里,形成了一个个独立王国,中国人和狗被禁止进入公园。The treaty ports became microcolonies, with Chinese and dogs excluded from their parks.

孟菲斯是埃及第一个首都,公元前3000年,它建立为独立王国。Memphis was the first great capital of Egypt, united as a single kingdom in the third millennium B.

完全不听从上级的指挥,这里简直成了一个独立王国。The place has become like an independent kingdom. None of the people here heed directions from their superiors.

前不久,最大的一家媒体巨头宣布自己是一个独立王国,建立了自己的虚拟军队并入侵新斯科细亚省。Not long ago, the largest GBMC declared itself to be a nation, established a virtual army and invaded Nova Scotia.

在1889年,美国、德国和英国一致同意萨摩亚群岛应该成为一个独立王国。In eighteen eighty-nine, the United States, Germany, and Britain agreed that Samoa should be an independent kingdom.

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西班牙南部一座城市,位于科尔多瓦东南,由摩尔人于8世纪创建,在238年成为一个独立王国的中心。A city of southern Spain southeast of Córdoba. Founded by the Moors in the eighth century, it became the center of an independent kingdom in 238.

西班牙南部一座城市,位于科尔多瓦东南,由摩尔人于8世纪创建,在1238年成为一个独立王国的中心。A city of southern Spain southeast of Córdoba. Founded by the Moors in the eighth century, it became the center of an independent kingdom in 1238.

不论国际社会对10月8日朝方地下核实验采取什么样的制裁措施,金正日的独立王国很可能一意孤行,坚持开发核武器。So no matter what the world now does to punish North Korea for its underground test on October 8th, Kim Jong Il's hermit kingdom is likely to hang grimly on to its bomb.