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但是,它是我们家的倒霉山猫!But it's OUR jinxed lynx!

野山猫通常都是独行侠。Caracals usually live alone.

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一只山猫蹲在白雪覆盖的岩石上。A lynx sits on a snow-covered rock.

那只山猫悄悄地向猎物靠近。The cat slowly half-inched his game.

山猫队前锋发挥的很出色。The Bobcats forwards also played well.

或者问过山猫它为何龇牙带笑?Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

山猫队的防守在科比的进攻下不堪一击。The Bobcats'defense was no match for Kobe.

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就像何时山猫队能夺取了总冠军一样。As in, when the Bobcats win a championship.

从品牌转让人到夏洛特山猫队的老板。From product endorser to Charlotte team executive.

2004年的夏洛特山猫队的加入达到30只。In 2004 the Charlotte Bobcats join the team to reach 30.

山猫需要野兔、河狸和兽穴。Or the bobcat, needing rabbits and beavers and den sites.

毕竟山猫队是一支常年处于亏损状态的球队。After all, the Bobcats are a team all year round at a loss.

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每个山猫都会用一种独特的方法把自己的领地标上记。Each bobcat will use a single method to mark its territory.

而战绩仅为26-45的山猫队早早退出了季后赛的争夺队伍。The Bobcats are 26-45 and well out of a playoff spot in the East.

他戴着一顶令人过目不忘的山猫皮的帽子在自家门外招待了我们。He greets us outside his home wearing an impressive hat of lynx fur.

倘若进入了比赛名单中,山猫的粉丝们又会有怎样的反映。If he did enter the game, what would be the reaction of Bobcats fans?

亚利桑那州的一些酒吧老顾客被前门的一个疾跑的山猫吓了一跳。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trotted in the front door.

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亚利桑那州的酒吧顾客被一只从前门窜进来的山猫给惊吓到了。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trot ted in the front door.

费尔顿远端送进三分,山猫重新将分差拉开到6分。Felton sent to the remote one-third, the Bobcats will be re-opened to the poor 6.

但是随着欧洲兔子的数量在持续减少,伊比利山猫的数量也随之减少。But as European rabbit populations continue to decline due to disease, so do lynx.