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剩余价值规律。Law of surplus value.

他把赌注和剩余价值混为一谈。He confuses the stakes with surplus-value.

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剩余价值是可变资本产生的。Surplus value is alterable capital generation.

资本家利用劳工的剩余价值发家致富。Capitalists use laborers' surplus value to make a fortune.

这跟剥削剩余价值有关。It is dependent on exploiting the surplus-value of prolateriat.

这剩余价值被您认为是利润塞入您自己的腰包了。This surplus value is you think is profit into your own pockets.

马克思指出,“资本是能够带来剩余价值的价值”。Marx points out, " the capital is the value bringing surplus value ".

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剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx's economic theory.

在图中指出何种选择能为顾客带来最高剩余价值。Draw the linesillustrating which choice has the highest value for the consumer.

私有资本攫取剩余价值,即对劳动的剥削过程。Capital appropriates the surplus value, a process referred to as exploitation of labor.

剩余价值至关重要,是因为拥有一辆车的最大成本就是折价。Residual value matters because depreciation is the largest single cost of owning a car.

在很多情况下,你的劳动没有长期的剩余价值,如果你为了工作来赚钱。In most cases, your labor has no long-term residual value, if you are working for money.

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首先,商业资本也参加了剩余价值的瓜分,同时也参与了利润的平均化。Firstly, commercial capital takes its share of the surplus value and the averaged profit.

由此可见,资本家剥削的剩余价值量已受到很大的限制。This shows that the capitalist exploitation of the residual value has been greatly hindered.

马克思的劳动价值论和剩余价值理论具有明显的时代特征。The theories of labor value and surplus value are distinctively characteristic of their times.

马克思的劳动价值理论是马克思主义政治经济学的基础,马克思赖之以阐明剩余价值的来源和本质。As the cornerstone of Marxist political economy, the theory of labor value should keep up with times.

价值转形中剩余价值和利润的关系是一个关键问题。The relationship between surplus value and profit margin is a key issue in the transformation of values.

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其二,所实现的商品价值中的剩余价值,都由一种资本家即产业资本家所占有。Secondly, industrial capitalists alone possess all the surplus value of the realized value in commodities.

在前半部,工人们认识到他们的老板是在剥削他们,开始了解剩余价值理论。In the first half they realise their boss is exploiting them and begin to understand the theory of surplus value.

人们通常把价值增殖当作剩余价值的同义语,看作是资本主义商品经济的特殊范畴。Generally people take the value added for surplus value and as a special category of capitalist commodity economy.