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这些系统程序当中有一种叫做编译程序。What's the difference between an assembler and compiler?

它是一个表驱动的代码生成方法,可用于编译程序的移植。This method can be used in the transportation of compilers.

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基于上述理论,作者构造了编译程序生成系统BSX。Based on the theory, a compiler generating system BSX is constructed.

在你编辑或重新编译程序之前它的内容不会被改变。It cannot be directly changed unless you edit the program and recompile.

自动论编译程序单词识别论。Automaton theory is a basic theory of compile routine for identifying words.

本文重点介绍FORTH反编译程序的设计及实现。The design and realization of a FORTH decompiler is presented in this paper.

例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.

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KLND编译程序是核心语言KLND的一个软件开发工具。The KLND compiler is one of the software development tools of the kernel language KLND.

包括编译程序为初始化而创立的匿名对象的定义。This include definitions of anonymous objects the compiler creates for initializations.

再次重新编译程序,并运行测试。Check that you haven't broken anything by rebuilding the program and rerunning the test.

你经常将编译程序作为独立的步骤,在以后再执行所编译的代码。Often you compile the program as a separate step, and then execute the compiled code later.

接着,编译程序调用链接程序,由链接程序把目标文件变为可执行程序。The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.

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但当您编译程序时,文本的显示如同在字符串表中输入的一样。However, when you compile the program, it will appear as if it had been entered in the string table.

本文介绍了一个基于属性文法的编译程序生成系统BSX。In this paper, a compiler generating system BSX, which is based on attribute grammars, is introduced.

SHAZAM命令式语言具有很大的灵活行,并提供编译程序过程的能力。The SHAZAM command language has great flexibility and provides capabilities for programming procedures.

用它可以自动生成多种计算机语言的编译程序。By means of using the HCP system, the automatic-generation of compilers of multi-languages can be achieved.

从功能上看,一个编译程序就是一个语言翻译程序。See from the function, and it is procedure of a language translation that edit and translate the procedure.

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几个编译程序会对几何体进行处理对光影进行预先计算。The geometry is processed and the proper lighting and shadows are pre-calculated with several compile programs.

调试数据格式是用来存储有关已编译程序的信息的一种方式,这些信息将用于高级调试器。A debugging data format is a means of storing information about a compiled program for use by high-level debuggers.

指定Area方法的返回值为6,再重新编译程序,并运行,此时没有错误发生。Hardcode a return value of 6 for the function Area, rebuild the program, and run it again. This time the program runs without asserting.