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我的侄女是个调皮鬼。My niece is a little devil.

我的小侄女很可爱。My little niece is very cute.

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我的侄女搭火车到宜兰。My niece went to I-lan by train.

我侄女儿在一家玩具公司工作。My niece works for a toy company.

她指导她的侄女练唱。She coaches her niece in singing.

他有一个小侄女,叫蓝花。He had a little niece- Blue Flower.

甜美的,幸运的,被时尚淘汰的侄女。Sweet, lucky, out-of-fashion niece.

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你认识我的侄女奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人吗?You know my niece Countess Olenska?

她侄女昨天的确看见过一条蛇。Her niece did see a snake yesterday.

她的侄女在后院喊叫起来。her niece hollers from the backyard.

沃森太太有一个侄子和一个侄女。Mrs. Watson had a nephew and a niece.

我的侄女搭火车到宜兰。How did you go there? I went by train.

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您好,我想为我侄女挑一件礼物。Hi. I'm looking for a gift for my niece.

我兄弟的两个女儿是我的侄女。My brother's two daughters are my nieces.

之后小侄女成长的很快。Since then his niece has grown quite a bit.

今天,侄女儿给我块蛋糕吃。Today, my niece offered me a slice of cake.

正好,我的侄女想买这辆汽车。Fortunately, my niece wanted to buy the car.

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杰斯特罗狠狠地对他侄女皱起眉头。Jastrow knit his brow fiercely at his niece.

天空酋长很喜欢他的小侄女。Sky Chief admired his little niece very much.

她的侄儿不说话,她的侄女也不说话。Neither her nephew nor her niece said anything.