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元稹自叙“艳诗”定义,以“干教化”相标榜。YUAN Zhen gave definition of erotic poetry.

尽管如此,我们还被标榜为名不副实的饮食之国。And yet, we are also labelled a bad food nation.

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我并不标榜,但至少我试着越变越完美。At least I try to – I don’t claim to be perfect.

所以亚历山大标榜自己为神。So, Alexander is putting himself forward as divine.

标准银行会不会是在标榜阿根廷分行的业绩以便挂牌出售?Could Standard Bank be buffing the unit up for a sale?

这座小镇标榜拥有世上最棒的蛤蛎海鲜浓汤。This small town boasts the best clam chowder in the world.

套衫中山装标榜点衣领和开半门襟。Pullover tunic flaunts a point collar and open half placket.

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他不需要被标榜为“可以值得称之为拜尔德人”,那是什么狗东西?He doesn’t need to be labeled “still worthy of being a Baird man.”

请到山东国际标榜美容化妆学校!Please go to the Shandong international flaunt cosmetology school!

她总是标榜自己的孩子是品行端正的典范。She was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

玛丽老是标榜自己的孩子是品行端正的典范。She was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

玛丽老是标榜自己的孩子是品行端正的典范。Mary was always holding up her children as paragons of good behaviour.

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你指给我看看,世界上哪个国家是标榜自己歪门邪道、阴损下流的。Show me a country on earth that prides itself on unfair play and indecency.

烟草公司在市面上的销售的香烟一直标榜着低尼古丁和低焦油含量。The companies already make cigarettes marketed as low tar and low nicotine.

非洲司令部无害地标榜自己为“资讯和培训”的军队。Africom innocuously brands itself as "advising and training" military forces.

除了作为金雀花王朝的卫城,多佛城堡还是被谋杀的大主教的另一标榜。It was yet another example of the murdered archbishop saving Plantagenet hide.

他们的批评者似乎对他们很气愤,因为他们在自我抬高/标榜上很有天分。Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion.

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匹配的一套穿耳环也标榜二辉煌的切明确的晶体。The matching set of pierced earrings also flaunt 2 brilliant-cut clear crystals.

被标榜为贪婪者的沙特阿拉伯人还是西方漫画中嘲笑的常有角色。Branded as gluttons , they became a stock figure of ridicule in Western cartoons.

它并非一种从外表上就可以观察到的特征,除非你刻意标榜自己。And it’s not an externally observable characteristic unless you want to flaunt it.