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他陷进齐膝深的烂泥里。He is knee-deep in mud.

它们的装饰是烂泥和鲜血。They are decorated mud and blood.

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蓝鞋子深深地陷入了烂泥中。The Blue Shoe sunk deeper into the mud.

而今天,冰更像烂泥。Today it is more like slush, " he says.

政府需要把我们从这堆烂泥中解救出去。Government is needed to get us out of it.

他扑哧一声从烂泥里拔出脚来。He pulled his foot out of the mud with a squelch.

当汽车急驰而过时,它将烂泥溅在我衣服上。As the car race past, it spatter mud on my clothes.

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有害废物包含了液体、固体、混合气体,或烂泥。Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, contained gases, or sludges.

他们须通过齐膝的烂泥和堆积物。They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.

回去告诉楚王,就说庄子希望自由自在地生活在烂泥之中。You go back to tell the prince that Chuang Tzu would rather live freely in mud.

恰普曼灯塔熠熠闪烁,它像一只三脚架矗立在烂泥平台上。The Chapman lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mudbank, shone strongly.

不过,这就像走出烂泥地,来到了石岩上---我们还会担心,但已不怕弄脏。Nevertheless it was like coming out of slime on to rock--we were worried but not soiled.

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没有利用价值的部件会被直接丢弃,已经被污染的河流因此变成了致命烂泥沟。What can't be recycled is simply dumped, turning already poisoned rivers into toxic sludge.

另外,我们将不会知道那样的“生命信号”所预示的究竟是一堆烂泥还是一种文明。Besides, we won’t know whether such “biosignatures” are an indication of slime or civilization.

又是谁把融化了的雪里的一堆堆烂泥和沙砾铲到路边?Who was shovelling up the piles of dirt and grit left in the melted snow by the side of the road?

是女性。又是谁把融化了的雪里的一堆堆烂泥和沙砾铲到路边?Who was shovelling up the piles of dirt and grit left in the melted snow by the side of the road?

我没怎么用过这种步枪,地里又都是烂泥,走一步陷一脚的。I was a poor shot with a rifle and the ground was soft mud into which one would sink at every step.

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竞赛刚一开始,烂泥就弄到我两肩的垫子中去,引起一种湿冷的感觉。The game was scarcely under way before mud had worked into my shoulder pads and caused a raw feeling.

汤姆绕着那一排房子转过来,绕到靠他的姨妈的牛栏后面一条烂泥巷子里。Tom skirted the block, and came round into a muddy alley that led by the back of his aunt's cow stable.

前两天刚下过雨,秸杆和野草在小径烂泥上杂乱地戳著。It had rained recently, so the mushy path exhibited straw and wild grasses sticking out at random angles.