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上帝是位慈父。God is a caring God.

我是一名慈父。I am a caring Father.

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他是一位慈父。He is a compassionate, caring Father.

让我给你一点慈父般的忠告吧。Let me give you a little fatherly advice.

让我给你一点慈父般的忠告吧。Let me give you a little motherly advice.

对马诺林来说,圣地亚哥是慈父严师。For Manolin, Santiago is like a father and teacher.

因此,我恳请您能像慈父一样原谅我的过错。And so I appeal to your fatherly feelings to forgive me.

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杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态。Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role.

上帝是一个慈父,他爱你并且永不停息。God is a caring Father who loves you and will never stop loving you.

冉阿让的态度比以往任何时候都更象慈父,更加仁爱。Jean Valjean's manners were more tender and more paternal than ever.

我是否把他当作一个慈父一样的人格,或我只是认识他?Do I know Him personally as a loving Father, or do I just know about Him?

只需要准备好回家,你的慈父阿弥陀佛的家。And just prepare to go back to your home, your father Amida Buddha's home.

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卡扎菲心中的英雄与慈父是魅力十足的埃及领导人迦玛尔·阿卜杜尔·纳赛尔。Gadaffi's hero and father figure was Egypt's charismatic Gamal Abdel Nasser.

卡扎菲心中的英雄与慈父是魅力十足的埃及领导人迦玛尔·阿卜杜尔·纳赛尔。Gadaffi’s hero and father figure was Egypt’s charismatic Gamal Abdel Nasser.

很荣幸我们家能有你们给予的慈父般的指引。And we are honored to add your fatherly counsel into the heart of our family.

此外,摩羯座男还是慈父,他会很好的保护他们的孩子。Whats more, Capricorn males are loving fathers and protective for their kids.

对待孤儿应如慈父,扶助他们的母亲,应如丈夫。In judging be merciful to the fatherless as a father, and as a husband to their mother.

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让我谨向你提些慈父般的劝告吧!倘若你不喜欢它的话,但愿你能如实说。Let me give you a little fatherly advice. If you don't like it, I wish you would say so.

他象慈父般地吻了吻我们俩,领着我们穿过大厅,来到一间小屋子里。He kissed us both in a fatherly way, and bore us across the hall into a ruddy little room.

祂教导我们认识上帝慈父般的爱,以及耶稣如孩童般以顺服来回应天父的爱。He teaches us to know God's father-love, and to respond with childlike love and obedience.