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无论走到哪里,他都被人们簇拥着。He was mobbed wherever he went.

细沙簇拥着我们的脚印。and sand embraces our footprints.

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人们都簇拥在街道上。and people were all in the streets, you know.

睡觉吧我的小宝贝,在玫瑰花的簇拥之下。Go to sleep, now, dear love, 'neath roses above.

国王启程了,身边簇拥着所有的仆人。The king fared forth, attended by all his servants.

人们簇拥着那个运动员向他祝贺。People crowded round the player with congratulations.

其他人簇拥在他们的周围,形成一道人墙。Other people clustered around them forming a human wall.

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仙女们发出刺耳的尖叫,簇拥在她身旁。Her maidens gave a sharp cry and crowded around the goddess.

总统的前后簇拥着一大群人。The president was escorted by big crowds in front and behind.

中天门峻岭阔谷,楼阁簇拥。Zhongtian Gate mountains wide valley, surrounded by pavilions.

记者们周围往往簇拥着一群迫不及待的创业者。Journalist are constantly harangued by over-eager entrepreneurs.

你看,这株银杏树的周围簇拥着许多小银杏树。You see, this gingko tree is embraced by many smaller gingko trees.

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当媒体簇拥在身边时,林书豪告诉他们自己的队友是多么的优秀。And when the media swarms Lin, he tells them how good his teammates are.

凌志美也在丈夫伊恩·克莱顿的拥抱和家人的簇拥下出现。Ling embraced her husband, Iain Clayton, as family members crowded around.

柔软金黄的卷发簇拥着她的脸,整个人看上去就像个瓷娃娃。With her face framed by soft blond curls, she looked like a porcelain doll.

最后,他们在三个孩子的簇拥下高高兴兴地举行了婚礼。Domenico annuls the marriage. Filumena then tells him of the three children.

香水月季花瓣簇拥着百年老校的大门,是实验小学精神的象征。Tea rose petals surrounding the old doors, is a symbol of our school spirit.

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起居室里伊丽莎、约翰、乔治安娜簇拥在他们母亲的周围。Eliza, John and Georgiana were gathered round their mother in the sitting-room.

他饰演的是一个身边簇拥着三位金发美女的男士,托尼·斯塔克将其误认为了休·M·赫夫纳。He plays the man with three blondes whom Tony Stark mistakes for Hugh M. Hefner.

在这幅发人深思的图中我们可以看到地球上面簇拥着无数的人。It is a thought-provoking cartoon, in which numerous people are crowding on earth.