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让你的身体随俗浮沉吧!Let your entire body go with the flow!

大多数人这样做只是随俗而已。They just do so out of social customs.

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只因不随俗,整个世界都不悦鞭策着你。For nonconformity, the world whips you with its displeasure.

其实,今天的基督徒也有这种随俗的心态。For the same reasons many Christians mingle with the world today.

一个人必须要想到,随众随俗无异于蒙住你的眼睛。A man must consider what a blind man's-buff is this game of conformity.

若你们去美国,最好还是“入境随俗”。But when you go to the United States, you had better "do as the Romans do."

其实,今天的基督徒也有这种随俗的心态。Why were they like this?For the same reasons many Christians mingle with the world today.

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我已经开始吃鸡脚跟莲花根了。俗语说入境随俗嘛。I've started eating chicken feet and lotus root. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

当我们去中国朋友家里拜访时,总是要脱掉鞋子。这是入境随俗。We always take our shoes off when we visit our Chinese friends at home. When in Rome do as Romans do.

各国各地各行业小费的数额没有统一规定,所以宜入境随俗,酌情而付。Countries around the amount of industry tips no unified regulation, so appropriate wharehouse, discretion and pay.

在美国社会必须“入境随俗”,必须了解并遵守美国社会中惯行的礼仪规则。In American society must "when in Rome" must understand and comply with the conventional American society etiquette rules.

也因为人云亦云,閒话天气家常,是大家公认是人际往来的谈话方式,我们这样只是随俗。Also because it's nice to talk like everybody else, to say the sun rises, when everybody knows it's only a manner of speaking.