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有请冯·特普全家。The family Von Trapp.

我家的全家照。A picture of my family.

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将李家全家灭门。Will the MieMen family.

他们全家要外出。His family is going out.

他全家靠他养活。His family depend on him.

这是我家的一张旧的全家照。It's an old of my family.

年送只兔,全家乐悠悠。Send rabbit, family, rest.

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我们全家都去做了心理咨询。We all went to counseling.

代表向你们全家问好。Gve my best to your family.

我们全家都很担心。My whole family is worried.

这个是吉姆的全家照。This is Jim's family photo.

他全家在看电视。Hiss family are watching TV.

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麦克全家都在家。Mikie's family is all at home.

这婴儿是全家的心肝宝贝。Our baby is a perfect darling.

我们全家也就一起去了日本。Our family also went to Japan.

看,这是我的全家照。Look , this is my family photo.

这是我的全家照。Here's the picture of my family.

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是的,这是我的全家照。Yes. It is a photo of my family.

迪克受到全家的宠爱。Dick is babied by all the family.

祝您全家大吉大利。Good luck to you and your family.