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他们以为培训仅仅是被动式的学习。In their minds, training means passive learning.

被动式红外传感器是用来检测对象的存在或占用。PIR Sensors are used to detect the presence or occupancy of an object.

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被动式的孤岛检测方法存在较大孤岛检测盲区。The passive islanding detection methods have large none detection zone.

本文介绍一种带有两个光电反馈迴路的F-P被动式光振荡器。The F-P passive optical oscillator with two feedback circuits is described.

他们销售激光机是非常被动式的,甚至某些时候更希望用户购买墨水机。They are very passive sales across, even some more hope users buy ink machine.

为了实现纯零能源足迹,该楼采用了许多被动式设计特点。To achieve a net-zero energy footprint the building uses many passive design features.

分析介绍了已有的主动和被动式孤岛检测方法。Traditional passive and active islanding detection methods are discussed in the paper.

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首先介绍了被动式静电引信的工作原理。This paper first presents the working principle of passive detection electrostatic fuze.

二氧化硫被动式采样器的采样感度受环境中湿度和硫酸盐等的影响。Humidity and sulphate aerosol in ambient affect sampling sensitivity of SO 2 passive sampler.

本篇论文中,我们使用多载波系统提供能量给被动式标签。In this thesis, we use a multi-carrier method to supply the operating power of a passive tag.

本文介绍我国自行研制国内载重量最大的首制被动式气垫运输平台的概况和主要性能特点。A new and largest non-self-propelled air cushion transport platform is introduced in the paper.

当前卫星侦察信息军事应用还比较单一化,信息是被动式分发的。The military application of satellite reconnaissance information is still simplified and passive.

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斯特伦克和怀特很抱歉,我用了被动式,即劣势,被动语态So with apologies to Strunk and White, this is in the passive form, that's dominated, passive voice.

特朗贝墙体的集热性能对特朗贝墙式被动式太阳能建筑的热性能具有重要影响。Solar collecting performance of Trombe wall has important effect on that of Trombe passive solar house.

对于设计无辅助热源自然运行的被动式太阳房此法有重要实用价值。It is necessary and important for the design of a passive solar house without an auxilliary heat source.

利用半被动式太阳能地下热交换贮能增温系统为塑料大棚加温。The heating efficiency of heat exchange system with solar energy under ground in vinyl-house was evaluated.

本文对被动式太阳房集热墙风口平均风速的测定进行了研究。The paper presents a study on measuring the vent mean wind velocity of solar collecting wall in solar house.

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这一项目是根据被动式房屋标准设计的一栋新家居屋。From the architect. This project concerns a new family house designed according to the passive house standard.

管道和电缆架没有进行埋线,大部分的通风和制冷设施通过半被动式系统完成。Pipes and cable trays are not hidden and most of ventilation and cooling is done through semi-passive systems.

本文对被动式太阳房集热墙风口平均风速的测定进行了研究。Based on these data, this paper analyzed thermal performance of passive solar house under different weather situations.