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它们共同演化。They evolved together.

这就是技术演化的一部分。It\'s part of the evolution.

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有更多的共同演化。There is more and more co-evolution.

但是我们却没有和环境同步演化But we're mismatched with environment.

判断一个演化支或单源群。Diagnoses a clade or monophyletic group.

IBM的比喻演化成一个事后产生的想法。IBM metaphor into more than an afterthought.

建立了两个小世界网络的演化模型。Two small-world network models are proposed.

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但在巴黎的猫步之下,风格不断演化。But as on the catwalks of Paris, style evolves.

就是由月亮上的玉兔演化过来的。It is an adaptation of the jade hare on the moon.

现代的潮语系由古闽南语所演化而成。Modern Teochew evolved from the more archaic Min-Nan.

看,科技是推展演化的方法。You see, technology is a way to evolve the evolution.

背投广告正在演化成为下一个巨大的机会。Display Advertising is emerging as the Next Big Thing.

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这种功能多样的小东西演化成许多形式。This small, yet versatile item has evolved many forms.

曲流河是一种常见的河流演化的终极型式。Meadering Stream is a terminal type of river evolution.

现代汽车是从单马马车演化而来的。The modern automobile evolved from the horse and buggy.

海象的外形是从海牛物种里演化而成。The shape of Walrus evolved out of the Manatee species.

并给出了几种典型的构造序列的演化过程。And we will give some examples of typical cross-section.

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一个对51免疫的新的造物又演化出来,如此等等。A new creature evolved that was immune to 51s, and so on.

“千年虫”会“演化”成“万年虫”吗?。Can "Millennium Bug" Evolve into "Ten-thousand-year Bug"?

在侏罗纪中期演化的两栖类中其中的一类。In medium-term evolution of amphibians in one of a class.