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总的出现结石的输尿管有71条。They had a total of 71 ureters.

尿液由于混合输尿管的出血而呈现出粉红色或红色。Your urine may turn pink or red from blood.

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随访3~24个月,无输尿管狭窄和结石复发。All cases were followed up from 3 to 24 months.

膀胱输尿管反流可在某些病例出现。Vesicoureteral reflux may develop in some cases.

剔除膀胱及输尿管周围多余脂肪组织。There were multiple polypoid tissue in the bladder.

逆行肾盂造影时输尿管导管弯曲,呈“S”形。On retrograde pyelography the catheter is curved as"S"shape.

同时输尿管镜可对绞痛性尿石作即刻有效处理。At the same time, colic urolithiasis could be managed by ureteroscopy.

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目的探讨腔静脉后输尿管的诊断及治疗。Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of retrocaval ureter.

目的探讨输尿管息肉的诊断与治疗体会。Objective To study the diagnosis and the treatment of ureteral polyps.

本文在31具大月份胎儿尸体上对输尿管动脉进行了观察。The arteries of the ureter were investigated on 31 still-born fetuses.

所有病例无尿路感染、输尿管黏膜剥脱、撕裂及狭窄等严重并发症。No ureteral mucosa denude, tear and stenosis and no infection was found.

同样的事情可能发生如果您有淤塞,在您的其中一个输尿管。The same thing can happen if you have a blockage in one of your ureters.

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目的探讨输尿管异位开口的诊断和治疗。Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment of ectopic ureteral orifice.

膀胱输尿管返流共分为5级,其中5级是最严重的。VUR severity is measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the most severe.

肾、输尿管和膀胱袖状切除术是主要的治疗方法。Nephroureterectomy with excision of bladder cuff is the treatment of choice.

目的探讨对提高输尿管囊肿的诊断和治疗水平的方法。Objective To explore the methods for diagnosis and treatment of ureterocele.

结论尿路造影是诊断输尿管息肉的有效方法。Conclusion Uretero-pyelography is useful to diagnose primary ureteral polyps.

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目的研究原发性输尿管癌的临床诊断特点。Objective To study the clinical diagnostic features of primary ureter cancer.

摘要盲枝输尿管裂是一种极为少见的泌尿系统的先天异常。The blind-ending bifid ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of urinary system.

这些方法的工作,特别是良好的石块在较低的部分输尿管。These methods work especially well on stones in the lower part of the ureter.