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请把本房间启封。Please unseal this room.

除非我的心自己磕破了自己,不然怎可随意启封?HOW SHALL MY heart be unsealed unless it be broken?

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罐装辣椒启封以后,最好在密闭容器内冷藏,这样可以保存五天。After opening, refrigerate in an airtight container for up to five days.

罐装辣椒启封以后,最好在密闭容器内冷藏,这样可以保存五天。Most dried chiles will keep indefinitely if stored in a cool, dry place.

启封后不同时间分别取样进行品质测定。After unsealing the samples were taken at different time for determination of quality.

贮存期存放于阴凉干燥处,未启封产品可保存一年。Storage period Stored in a dry and cool place, Unopened product can be stored for one year.

启封时应当有见证人、持有人在场并签名或者盖章。When the seal is broken the witnesses and holder shall be present and sign or affix their seals.

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例句航天员要将固定在轨道舱内壁上的舱外航天服启封。The astronauts have to unpack the space suit which was fixed on the interior wall of the orbital module.

目的探讨胰岛素注射液启封后无菌保存期,以及保存期内药物活性变化。Objective To study the asepsis period and immunological activity of insulin injection after removing seal.

美国检方7月呈交了对郁向东的起诉书,当郁10月14日在芝加哥机场被捕后,指控被正式启封。The indictment, handed up in July, was unsealed upon his arrest on October 14 at Chicago's O'Hare Airport.

这款新车的车身保护,使其能够处理的表面也有利于启封轻松。The new car also benefits from underbody protection which allows it to tackle unsealed surfaces with ease.

试验结果表明,大米品质是启封后品质变化的关键。The results showed that the quality of stored rice is the key reason for change of rice quality after unsealing.

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具有封存工艺简单,成本低、护时间长、果好,启封快速的特点。It has trait which technology of wrap up simplicity, cost underrate, protection of length, effect well, quickly unwind.

主人为来宾所斟的酒,应是本次宴会上最好的酒,并应当场启封。The host is guests the alcoholic of the Zhen, should be the best alcoholic of this party, and should the field break seal.

启封时应当有见证人、单位有关负责人在场并签名或者盖章。When the seal is broken, the witness, the relevant responsible person of the entity shall be present and sign or affix their seals.

对采用窒息法灭火时判定燃烧熄灭和安全启封时机具有一定的指导意义。It has certain guiding meaning on judging the right moment of the suppression of combustion and the safe opening of the tunnel when stifling method is used.

目的检测启封后普通型胰岛素注射液的无菌保存期,指导临床或病人使用胰岛素期限。Objective To detect the asepsis storage period of insulin injection after seal removing, and to instruct the usage period of insulin during clinical practice.

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本实用新型是一种瓶口启封装置,它由带偏心脚的启子,主、副转子,弹簧等组成。The utility model discloses a sealing and unsealing device for a bottle mouth, comprising an opener with eccentric feet, primary and secondary rotors, a spring, etc.

利用指标气体对治理效果进行分析,确保火区成功启封,保障了矿井的生产安全。Indication gases were used for the analysis of the control effect, this can ensure the fire area to be successfully opened as well as the safe production in coal mines.

结论熟地浸膏的存放时间与是否启封使用以及存放环境的空气洁净度、温度有关。ConclusionThe storage period of Rehmannia extracts has some relationship with whether the Rehmannia extracts had been used and the air purity, the temperature of the storage environment.