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肢体重复性劳损症不会威胁生命。RSI is not life threatening.

这增加了膝关节的劳损。This increases strain on the knee.

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肢体重复性劳损症还会影响你的生命的质量。RSI also affects your quality of life.

它被称为RSI,或者肢体重复性劳损。It’s called RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury.

治疗腰肌劳损有没有特效药?Does remedial strain of lumbar muscles have specific?

最为人熟知的肢体重复性劳损症是腕管综合症。The most commonly known RSI is carpal tunnel syndrome.

简简单单调整一下椅子的高低就可以避免劳损。Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries.

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你是如何通过改变工作习惯避免肢体重复性劳损的?How did you change your working habits to avoid getting RSI again?

在第一时间就避免得肢体重复性劳损症是很简单的。Avoiding RSI in the first place is quite simple. Here are a few tips

肢体重复性劳损症不会威胁生命。你不会因此而住院。RSI is not life threatening. It's unlikely to land you in the hospital.

背部椎间盘劳损,心脏病越发严重,眼睛因为白内障做了眼球晶体移植手术。A disc problem in the back, more heart trouble, a lens implant for catarcts.

但重复性劳损的最令人诟病的原因是使用计算机。But repetitive strain injuries are perhaps most infamously associated with computer use.

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解晰腰肌劳损及腰椎间盘突出的病因诊断及病理改变。Enough of diagnosing lumbar muscle strain lumbar disc herniation and pathological changes.

肩带过紧或太细都可能引起肩背劳损。The pectoral girdle is excessively tight or too thin possibly causes shoulders the strain.

说明神阙温灸是一种比较好的治疗慢性腰肌劳损的方法,值得应用和推广。As a result, Moxibustion at Shenque Point is a good therapy, which is worthy to be popularized.

无典型外伤口的腰部慢性筋肉损伤,称为腰部劳损。Does not have outside the model the wound waist chronic muscle damage, is called the waist strain.

如果你觉得你有肢体重复性劳损症,建议去医院寻求帮助。If you suspect that you have a repetitive strain injury, seek assistance from a medical professional.

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我一直在阅读有关肢体机械性劳损的文章,了解到办公设备的布置安排非常重要。I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries, and I know that the office setup is very important.

官僚机构劳损了规则,规定,程序,政策和层次权威。Bureaucratic organizations strain the use of rules, regulations, procedures, policies and hierarchal authority.

如果是腰间盘劳损那就需要手术,还要进行恢复调整训练。If the problem is disc deterioration, surgery may be necessary, and an adjustment in training is absolutely required.