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长春藤有攀缘向上的习性。Ivy has a climbing habit.

诚实已成了她的习性。Honesty is engrafted in her character.

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你对这儿的风尚习性相熟吗?Are you familiar with the customs here?

刘乃应家的“养狗”的习性甚至类似于猎犬。His 'sheep dog' even plays like a hound.

它们的习性和其他鹭相似。Their habits and other similar spoonbill.

心猿意马、头脑的习性是四处游荡。It is the nature of the mind to roam about.

养成这种习性要花费你大量的心血,可那值得。That takes a lot of guts. But it’s worth it.

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有些习性能提高生活的品质,不仅可使你事半功倍,而且也能帮你亡羊补牢。Some habits will help you live a better life.

幼虫耐水淹且有转株为害的习性。The larvae were water-tolerant and heteroicous.

目前未发现成虫有潜叶习性。Presently no adult insects have the mining habit.

不过鲎的习性尚未为人所知。However, the habits of horseshoe crabs are unknown.

狐狸可转换他的皮肤但不能改变其习性。The fox changes his skin but his habits. —Suetonius.

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不同地方的习性和用词是很不同的。Many places have different mannerisms and word usages.

他精神的习性有如钟摆的来回摆动。His habits of mind had the regular swing of a pendulum.

迂腐的言行心理或行为带有学究气的习性。The habit of mind or manner characteristic of a pedant.

塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers.

开发人员有着与众不同的特点和习性。Developers have peculiar traits and habits of their own.

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认识小花猫及其生活习性,学会发“喵”的音。Know cat and its life habit, learn to send "meow" sound.

另一段关于它的生活习性的自然纪录片则是18万次。A nature documentary on its habits attracted 180,000 more.

环境因素对竹鸡生活习性的影响较大。Environmental factors greatly influenced their life habits.