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于是他和他的团队打了擦边球。So he and his team did an end run.

“他们在打擦边球,”伟纳说。"They are walking a fine line, " Wagner said.

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擦边球能帮助你立即得分。Edge ball can help you to get the point immediately.

川普对待民权问题的态度一直暧昧不清,今天打打擦边球,明天玩玩灰色地带。Trump definitely plays the gray area when it comes to civil liberties.

谁也不能保证踊生活会是一帆风顺的,有时,它也会跟你打个擦边球。Results are never guaranteed and life has a way of throwing curve balls at us.

首先,电视广告一定要实事求是,不得夸大,吹嘘,打擦边球误导消费者。Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect.

易犯错的人类在近半个世纪中仅遭受几次灾难,一些事故以及很多“擦边球”。Fallible people have created its half-century history of a few calamities, a steady stream of worrying incidents, and many near-misses.

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如果以为雇主问你待遇要求,首先试试打个擦边球,问问这个职位的薪水是多少。When an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position.

尽管金融企业高管会打擦边球,但法律提供的保护会使投资者更可能把金钱交给他们管理。And though executives chafe at financial regulation, the protection it provides makes investors far more likely to hand them money to play with.

如果联邦贸易委员会只是想打打擦边球,那将非常令人失望,他们会面临巨大的压力要求他们解释为何不能得出相同的结论。It would be disappointing if the FTC verged from that point of view and the pressure would be on them to explain why they weren't judging in the same way.

为了生存,那些招架不住的企业已“浑然变质”,在质量上向“五劣板”看齐,打起擦边球。To live, those enterprises that enrol cannot sustain already " muddy deteriorates like that " , go up in quality to " 5 bad board " dress, hit an edge ball.

通过税收筹划节税是外商投资企业惯用的方式,但是,一些外商投资企业往往利用税法的空白或灰色地带打“擦边球”,滥用税收筹划。Tax planning is used frequently by foreign funded enterprises to save tax payout. however, some of them abuse tax planning, aiming at the lacuna and illegibility of tax laws.

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到那个时候,他表示,他和他的很多同胞将继续靠打法律的擦边球谋生,即使是罚金、扣押和监禁时间也不能阻止他们。Until then, he said, he and many of his countrymen will carry on living and working on the margins of the law — and no amount of fines, seizures or jail time will dissuade them.

美国近期出现了不少消费者维权案,控告食品企业在“纯天然”这个定义上打擦边球,实质上构成对广大消费者的欺诈行为。A recent spate of consumer lawsuits allege that food companies are playing fast-and-loose with the 'all natural' designation, effectively committing fraud against the shopping public.

原油在亚洲的许多港口和提炼工厂闲置着,等待从价格上涨中进一步受益,这与狡猾的按揭贷款交易打银行资产负债表擦边球的行为殊途同归。Crude oil sits idle in Asian ports and outside refineries, waiting to benefit from further price hikes, in much the same way as dodgy mortgages are traded at the fringes of a bank's balance sheet.

原油在亚洲的许多港口和提炼工厂闲置着,等待从价格上涨中进一步受益,这与狡猾的按揭贷款交易打银行资产负债表擦边球的行为殊途同归。Crude oil sits idle in Asian ports and outside refineries, waiting to benefit from further price hikes, in much the same way as dodgy mortgages are traded at the fringes of a bank’s balance sheet.

不过也有认为表示,凤凰卫视一直都是走“擦边球”报导方式,这点在目前中国大陆的政治环境下,也有著继以生存的能力。However, some believe that the Phoenix has been taking the "edge ball" reported methods, this point in the current political environment in mainland China, also has the ability to continue to survive.