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没错我是你个工于心计的神经病婊子!Yeah, I am, you manipulative psycho bitch!

像许多现代大片,它也工于怀旧。Like many modern blockbusters, the film trades on nostalgia.

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如果是,那么你就属于那些并不少见的、工于操纵的家长的受害者。If so, you are the victim of an artful, not uncommon, form of parental manipulation.

她们工于心计,因此远比一个被母亲和修道院看守着的处女防范得周密。They are better guarded by their calculations than a virgin by her mother and her convent.

如果没在风险投资商出资的公司里担任过CEO,那么你可能无法工于此术。If you have never been the CEO of a VC-funded company, you may not know how to do this well.

伐木工于1960年代发现了这个地区的原始森林,而后开始砍伐,特别是这里古老的松树。Loggers discovered the region's mother lode of timber in the 1960s and began cutting, especially old-growth pine.

有些人认为,果敢训练把亲切随和的人变成了诉苦者或是工于算计的操纵者。Some people think that assertiveness training turns nice, accommodating people into complainers or calculating manipulators.

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与那些工于心计的贸易谈判老手相比而言,小布什上月闹出的口误尴尬不仅让人忍俊不禁,而且还给人以启发。TO TRADE wonks versed in psychoanalysis, President George Bush's embarrassing slip of the tongue last month was revealing as well as amusing.

阿切尔太太认识的所有上年纪的夫人们都认为,任何轻率与人相爱的女人都必然是寡廉鲜耻、工于心计的,而心地单纯的男人在其控制下则是无能为力的。All the elderly ladies whom Archer knew regarded any woman who loved imprudently as necessarily unscrupulous and designing, and mere simple- minded man as powerless in her clutches.

工于一体,为实施长远发展策略,我公司与各大知名院校建立合作关系,开发新产品。一。Implementation long-term development strategy, Our company with each greatly well-known colleges and universities establishment cooperation, develops the new product. The first-class.

其企业自有品牌已经被国内同行认可,由于其工于技术,坚持品质的理念指导着企业的发展,所以企业也被北京市政府认定为高新技术企业。Its own brand is well known in this field. This company has been acknowledged as high-tech enterprise by Beijing Government because of its paying more attention on technique and quality.

此外,烟雨任平生还工于诗联、国画,笔耕不缀,在一文学论坛任楹联雅座首席版主。Other than that, Yan Yu Ren Ping Sheng was also skilled at poetry and couplets and never stopped writing them. He is the moderator of the 'Couplets Saloon' section of a literature forum.

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多年来,利用业余时间从事绘画,临池不辍,工于画梅、兰、竹、菊、牡丹、山水等。For many years, Mr. Jia has been engaged in Chinese patinting during his spare time. He is good at patinting Chinese plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, peony, landscape and etc. with fresh style.

李冶娴熟于诗歌的创作艺术,在诗歌创作中表现出了多样的艺术手法,主要表现为巧于用典、精于描摹、工于格律三个方面。She is skilled in the art of poetry writing, and she uses a variety of artistic techniques, mainly in three metrical which are using the code skillfully, experts in tracing and good at rhythms.