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新年好呀!Happy New Year!

新年快乐?Happy new year?

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新年新运气!New Year's luck!

沃森,新年。Wroxham, new year.

新年快乐。And happy new year.

新年新法律!New Year, New laws!

新年新起点!New Year, New start!

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是的,新年快乐。Yes, happy new year.

也祝您新年好!Hanppy new year , too!

祝你新年快乐!Happy New Year to you.

新年新创意。New Year's creativity.

祝所有人新年快乐!!Happy New Year to all!!

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2011年新年快乐哦!Happy new year in 2011!

新年贺禧!New year congratulates!

哦,顺祝新年快乐!Oh, and happy New Year.

新年好,李老师。Happy New Year, Miss Li.

祝君新年好!Wish you happy New Year!

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2010年新年快乐,人本!Happy New Year 2010, Hef!

真心地祝你新年快乐!Happy New Year, ecco boot!

有什么新年新计划吗?Any New Year's resolutions?