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而且我们创作原版音乐,And we write original music,

它看起来象足了原版执政官。It really is like the original archon.

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你能分得出原版和复制品吗?。Can you tell the original from the copy?

原版闪点行动中的用户界面并不非常有用。The original OFP had a really unhelpful UI.

我喜欢这首歌的原版和混音版。This song I like in original and remix too.

全校学生看一部英文原版卡通。All the students will watch an English cartoon.

统计学原版由圣智学习出版公司出版。Original edition published by Cengage Learning.

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虽说非原版,但画质还是很好。Although non-original, but the quality is very good.

如果我懂德语,我就要看这本书的原版了。If I knew German, I would read the book in the original.

看看黑色星期五原版很快这里的鲜花和祈祷文将是悲伤的。Soon there'll be flowers as well as prayers that are sad.

原版的”大法师”是史上最恐怖的一部电影。The original Exorcist is the scariest movies of all time.

很快这里的鲜花和祷告听说黑色星期五原版歌词文将是悲伤的。Soon there'll be flowers as well as prayers thon there sad.

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英文原版教材在国内有卖的吗?Sure. I think you can find many English textbooks in Peking.

你喜欢没有配过音的原版中国电影。You like Chinese films in their original un-dubbed versions.

卷起来的卡萨布兰卡的原版海报已经不存了。A rolled, original poster of Casablanca simply does not exist.

但相比起原版,实验对象更喜欢含有剧透的版本。But subjects enjoyed the spoiled version more than the original.

原版的黑白插图现在已经变成了全彩!The original black and white illustrations are now in full color!

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我急切地想看这部重制,因为我是原版的忠实粉丝。I was jazzed to see the remake, as I'm a huge fan of the original.

特别希望诸位能提供这篇文章的英文原版。I hope everybody can provide very original English in this article.

法语版本中也会有原版配音出现的情况。In the French version, on occasion, official dubbers are brought in.