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王华良,男,湖北省襄阳忠良工程机械公司董事长。Wang Hualiang, male, Xiangyang, Hubei Province churyo engineering machinery company Chairman.

为保护忠良的血脉,少林众僧宁死不屈,奋力抵抗。For the protection of ZhongLiang blood, shaolin the monk would die rather than surrender, strive to resist.

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忠良之后徐子豪是京都总兵徐超之子,也是皇帝的伴读。Xu Zihao is Kyoto total Bing Xuchao after faithful fine child, the companion that also is an emperor is read.

既有秉性耿直、忠心为国的忠良之士,也有学识渊博、多才多艺的文化名人。Both putting form, loyal to the country's loyal and honest with, but also learned, versatile cultural celebrities.

忠良搬到友人家暂住至动身,让出房间予晓晴作新房之用。Clintons feifei ZhongLiang moved to friends leave home, let a room to hunters to make bridal chamber with sunny dawn.

张忠良参加救援队跟随部队南下,素芬带儿子和婆婆回到乡下。Zhang Zhongliang attends rescuing team to follow fall south army, element fragrance takes son and mother-in-law to return country.

最后,一场大火成全了忠良和素芬,两人连夜乘船来到上海。Finally, a conflagration helped sb to fulfill his wishes faithful fine He Sufen, two people the same night comes to Shanghai by ship.

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上海是忠良梦想中的天堂,它的繁华和残酷令重新能开口说话的素芬无所适从。Shanghai is the heaven in faithful fine dream, its flourishing make can start to talk afresh with cruelty talking element fragrance not know what to do.

包卫国因为不能暴露,只能眼睁睁的看着黄亦峰被左忠良暴打,左云对自己哥哥的百般阻止却又无效,很是为难。Because Bao Weiguo cannot be exposed, just watched the Yellow Yifeng left Zhongliang beat, Zuoyun on his own brother every stop is very difficult but invalid.

左忠良在家里给父亲母亲解释跟日本人根本就不认识,可是老爷子就是不信,最后只能实话实说,说日本人要的是他手里的飞虎队。Zuo Zhongliang to explain to Japanese father mother don't know at home, but he is not, only to tell the truth, Japanese said to the Flying Tigers in his hand.

为了计划更容易得逞,褚山虎借口自己对国军的反感,把左忠良留在了寨外面,只让左云和包卫国进山谈判。In order to plan more likely to succeed, excuse yourself to the Chu Shanhu antipathy, Zuo Zhongliang remained in the village outside, into the mountains of Zuoyun and Bao Weiguo for talks.

炎贵妃大感愕然,旻皓称不需要与陷害忠良的人谈道理,因此他决定以自己的身份强行带走夏婵。Phlogistic high-ranked imperial concubine big feeling is startled, min hao said do not need to talk about truth with framed ZhongLiang, so he decided to forcibly take Xia Chan with their own identity.