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此刻他连妻子也感到面目可憎,令人讨厌。And his wife's face, too, struck him as repulsive and hateful.

村里似乎无人居住,惟一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊。The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly?

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一个面目可憎的司机从车窗里伸出头来,盯着他们的车里面怒目而视。The menacing-looking driver leaned out his window and glared into his car.

古人曾经说过,三日不读书,语言会无味,而且面目可憎。Without reading for three days, language would be tasteless and terrifying.

有时搁置久了,他们变得更加严重和面目可憎了。Sometimes they get bigger and uglier when they are left along for long enough.

这部电影表现的无非是查韦斯在美国人心目中是多么面目可憎。What the film makes clear is how much of a bogeyman Chávez is in the United States.

大多数人类对这些外星人无甚好感,“大虾”们面目可憎、粗暴无礼又常在垃圾堆里摸爬,且嗜食猫粮。The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food.

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在我们身后,鳄鱼懒洋洋地浮在水面上,面目可憎,水牛在河边戏水,一副事不关己的模样。Crocodiles float lazily, menacingly, behind us and water-buffalo paddle unconcerned on the banks.

门口站着一个面目可憎的犹太人,穿着我从来未看到过、最花俏的背心。A hideous Jew, in the most amazing waistcoat I ever beheld in my life, was standing at the entrance.

我一个星期要挤好几次地铁,满眼所见尽是面目可憎的都市人。Several times a week I slug it out with city dwellers for a place in the subway. They seem a bad lot.

当然,因为债券面目可憎而买股票的说法只是所谓的美联储模型的一个版本。Of course, the argument to buy stocks because bonds are appalling is really just a version of the so-called Fed Model.

大多数人类对这些外星人无甚好感,“大虾”们面目可憎、粗暴无礼又常在垃圾堆里摸爬,且嗜食猫粮。Most people look upon them with distaste. The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food.

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今天,我对看着镜子中的自己,觉得面目可憎,在过去的十多年里,我一直在向那些酒鬼兜售各种酒精饮料。Today, after spending the last ten years serving liquor to alcoholics all day every day I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted.

讲真的,在过去几天我因为没有尽到一点努力,没有到法庭去给他加油打气而觉得自己面目可憎。Honestly speaking I feel kinda disgusted with myself for the past few days for not making any effort to go to COURT to support him.

飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross alien menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.

村里似乎无人居住,唯一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截断绳拴在一棵树上。The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby.

村里似乎无人居住,唯一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短绳拴在一棵树上。The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby.

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“我将告诉你这里的状况,”一位面目可憎的魔鬼宣布道。“你必须在三种刑罚中选一个,这是第一种。”"I'll tell you how it works around here, " declared a particularly hideous devil. "You get your choice of three punishments. Here's the first. "

伊凡·德米特里奇又想起自己的亲戚。以前他见到他们也还心平气和,此刻却觉得他们面目可憎,令人讨厌。Ivan Dmitritch remembered his own relations, and their faces, at which he had looked impartially in the past, struck him now as repulsive and hateful.

村里似乎无人居住,唯一的生命迹象是附近田里一只面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短绳拴在树上。In the village as if nobody housing, the only life sign is neighbor in the field a repulsive in appearance black goat, as soon as with shortens the rope to tie up on the tree.