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英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.

开幕式上没有身着时装的明星,台上满是身穿深色套服、暮气沉沉的老干部们。Instead of stars in designer clothes, it brought ageing cadres in dark suits to the stage.

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中年之后,只有已为离别人生做好筹备的人,才干持续在生活中暮气沉沉。From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life.

蓬勃,不能因为遇到一时的挫折就显得暮气沉沉的。Young people should be full of youthful spirit, and can not get lethargic due to temporary frustration.

这儿是北极圈以北的地区,一天当中大约只有四个小时暮气沉沉的阳光,对游客不甚方便。It also doesn’t help that here above the Arctic Circle we were getting only about four hours of dusklike sunlight a day.

当时,在一个笼罩着沈阳这个暮气沉沉的东北工业基地的丑闻中,他的上司因腐败而被处决。Then his boss was executed for corruption in a scandal that gripped the decaying north-eastern industrial powerhouse Shenyang.

沙漠给人的印象是荒凉和暮气沉沉的,但它们有时也相当惊人和美丽,尤其是从太空中看到。Deserts are known for being desolate and lifeless, but they are also quite striking and beautiful, especially when seen from above.

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然而,对于欧元区这块暮气沉沉的大陆来说,其整体的经济增速并不难看,这要感谢生机蓬勃的德国,它在2010年里是增长最快的发达国家。Yet the euro zone as a whole has grown at a decent rate for an ageing continent, thanks to oomph from Germany, the fastest-growing big rich economy in 2010.

当年的“迅哥”流连在这样的深宅大院里,住在这样永远暮气沉沉的房子里,他对外部世界的关注就会更为迫切了吧。Then "fast brother" hang around in such a large courtyard, to live in such an eternal house forever, his attention to the outside world will be more urgent it.

在拿到博士学位以前,雷觉得生态科学暮气沉沉停滞不前,因为它不能对这样一个大问题给出一个满意的答案。By the time he had finished his Ph. D. , Ray felt that the science of ecology was moribund because it could not offer a satisfying answer to such big questions.

隔壁那人看来年纪轻轻,但是从来不出去,也不邀请朋友来家里,他只是坐在电视机跟前消磨时光,跟七老八十的人一样暮气沉沉。The man next door looks young in his outlook, but he is an old stick-in-the-mud. He never goes out or has friends in he just sits around in front of the TV, the great American sedative.