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软件缺乏法则和第一性原则。Software lacks laws and first principles.

他挑战洛克关于物质第一性和第二性的理论。He challenges Locke's theory of primary and secondary qualities.

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计算模拟中使用了一种基于第一性原理的原子间互作用多体势函数。A model many-body dual potential function has been used in our simulations.

从第一性原理,就是基于前面学过的统计数学。From first principles, just based on the statistical math we've seen so far.

劳动是第一性价格,是最初用以购买一切货物的代价。Labour was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things.

关于第一性第二性的命名,波义耳和约翰洛克之间还有一段著名的小插曲。That name incident primary and secondary is most famously associated with John Locke.

除热带林外,人工林的净第一性生产力大于天然林净第一性生产力。But artificial forests have larger NPP than natural forests except those in tropical zone.

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年降水量的增加对提高自然植被净第一性生产力具有积极作用。Increasied annual precipitations have played a positive role to improve Natural vegetation NPP.

第一性原理计算方法已被广泛应用于材料科学的各个领域。The first-principles calculations were widely used in many different fields of materials science.

利用第一性原理分子动力学方法,研究了铜薄膜中锂离子的输运机制。Ab initio molecular dynamics are used to study the diffusion mechanism of Li motion in copper thin film.

翻译思维系第一性,而翻译语言则是第二性的,这即是翻译的二元性。Translation thinking is primary, translation language is secondary and this is the duality of translation.

然而,体系激发态的第一性原理理论及其计算要比基态的理论计算复杂得多。However, the first principles computation of excited states is more complexity than ground-state calculations.

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公认是正确的,但我想让各位理解一点,它并不明显,甚至第一性原理,没法证明。We think so, but I want you to appreciate that it is not obvious and it can not be proven from first principles.

我们发展了一种计算多孔和复合媒质直流电导率的第一性原理方法。A first-principle approach to the calculation of dc conductivities of the porous medium and composite is developed.

针对这一困难,我们采用了第一性原理辅助构建多体势的方法。Accordingly, we employ a new approach named the first-principle calculation aided construction of n-body potentials.

发展基于第一性原理的科学计算方法并将其用于自由基环合反应。It is devoted to develop a scientific methodology based on first principles to deal with radical cyclization reactions.

他想再次强调,内在物质具有第一性,如形状,大小,动作,材质和凝性。Again he wanted to say that the underlying substance has primary qualities, shape, size, movement, texture and solidity.

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还详细介绍了本论文所涉及的基本理论基础—第一性原理计算方法。This dissertation aims at providing some unavailable results from experiment by means of a first principles calculation.

本文基于第一性原理计算方法,研究了不同温度时铜的电阻率和半导体硅的迁移率。In this paper, the temperature dependent resistivity of Cu and the mobility of silicon are calculated from first-principles.

这是什么带领着他的第一性占领,并且对他的能力的不计其数的占领然后盲目迷恋他的战略。This is what leads him to his first sexual conquest, and then to the countless conquests where he can fetishize his strategy.