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这位大名鼎鼎的演员现在深居简出了。The famous actor now lives in seclusion.

她在大多数时候深居简出,包在纱布里或闭门独处。She's invisible much of the time, bandaged or in seclusion.

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然而她并不指望丽莉也象她那样深居简出。She did not, indeed, expect Lily to remain equally immovable.

布利特林先生匆匆看过一张深居简出者的名单,上面第一个是一位公爵。Mr. Britling ran through a little list of stay-at-homes that began with a Duke.

绝大多数的时候她都是深居简出,偶尔在公众场合出现。The majority of the time she lives a secluded life, only going out occasionally.

在接受此次采访之前,在过去的26年当中,大部分时间她都深居简出,远离众人视线。Before the interview she had remained largely hidden from the public for the past 26 years.

他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。They hold high the " freedom" and" human " banner, however all day door out, two door step, reclusive.

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深居简出的金正日很少出国旅行,即使偶尔有,也是在严厉的安保下,他尽量避免乘坐飞机而喜欢乘火车。The reclusive Kim rarely travels abroad and only under tight security, avoiding air travel in favor of trains.

查理斯和他的妻子和两个孩子留在威奇托,除了经营社区慈善事业,他一向深居简出。Charles remained in Wichita, with his wife and two children, guarding his privacy while supporting community charities.

所以,体现不进入监督的理解高速缓存的根的情况下,你普拉克深居简出的骚动。So, embodied does not go into oversee understanding cache the root every circumstance you plunk reclusive the commotion.

安,一个深居简出的优雅淑女,蝴蝶的痴迷,令人惊讶的是结识了出奇的漂亮年轻的爱丽丝。Ann, a reclusive elegant lady, with an obsession for butterflies, is surprisingly befriended by the eerily beautiful young Alice.

莱因哈特出了名的深居简出,此生只接受过少数采访。当然,如果她取代斯利姆成为全球首富,这种情况可能改变。Ms. Rinehart is famously reclusive and has only given a few interviews in her life. That may change, of course, if she takes the title from Mr. Slim.

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相反来说,假如他不求闻达,深居简出,这种退隐生活使他更加引人注目。If, on the contrary, he flees popularity and secludes himself in the corner of his own fireside, this retired life even makes him remarked, and he is a suspect.

偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了。Suddenly, at a creaking sound, there may appear a figure by a door—usually an unsophisticated young girl. She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house.

宅男宅女是自由思想和网络的衍生品,他们高举“自由”与“新人类”大旗,却终日大门不出、二门不迈、深居简出。Indoorsman and indoorswoman are byproducts of libertinism and network, holding aloft the banners of freedom and X Generation, they dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out.

在Indiana州Petersburgh市家中深居简出的Alexander视力模糊,成天拿个放大镜查看信箱,听听历史频道或书的录音带,以此来消磨时光。After retreating into his Petersburgh, Indiana home, Alexander, his vision fuzzy, spent his time checking his mail with a magnifier or listening to The History Channel or books on tape.

收集办理系统正顺应了当今社会快节拍地糊口,使药店办理者深居简出便能够便当快捷轻松地办理本身的药品发卖。Network management system is adapted to today's fast-paced society to live in homes so that the pharmacy managers will be able to facilitate quick and easy to manage their own drug sales.

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她辞去刑警的职务,回到东北老家,正当她准备深居简出、平淡度日时,却发现自己已怀上了潘小伟的骨肉。She resigns the post of gumshoe, return northeast old home, just when she prepares live a secluded life, insipid when living, discover oneself already conceived Pan Xiaowei's flesh and blood however.