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她被一个流氓引诱而失去了贞操。She was ruined by a rascal.

她引诱了他,他堕落了。She tempted him and he fell.

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引诱狐狸出了洞。The fox ran out of his hole.

你不该引诱他擅离职守。He enticed me away from work.

我不能招架引诱。I can't abide the allurement.

什麽也不能引诱她做坏事。Nothing could tempt her to evil.

她引诱我离开工作。She enticed me away from working.

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那骗子用希望引诱她。The swindler allured her by hopes.

不要引诱她离开职守。Do not lure her away from her duty.

我们不敢以怯弱来引诱他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

他受引诱买下了十箱饮料。He was hooked to buy 10 boxes of drink.

引诱灯的作用是把蚊虫引向灭蚊灯。Lure lamp lured mosquitoes and insects.

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他朋友引诱他干坏事。His friend tempted him into wrongdoings.

他的学说引诱许多人走上歧途。His doctrines have seduced many into error.

运用蚊子的趋光性引诱雌蚊。The use of mosquito lure female mosquitoes.

你不能操纵,诱骗,或引诱?You couldn't manipulate, beguile, or seduce?

他们被黄金梦引诱到西部。They were enticed westward by dreams of gold.

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那家公司把我们的最好的译员引诱过去了。The firm has enticed away our best interpreter.

不要被美丽的女侍引诱到酒吧去。Do not is allure into bar by the pretty waitress.

不要被美丽的女侍引诱到酒吧去。Do not be allured into bar by the pretty waitress.