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洒上麻油,装盘,即可使用。Sprinkle with the sesame oil, remove, and serve.

荷叶放滚水内拖软,扫上麻油。Blanch lotus leaf until soft, brush with sesame oil.

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你懂得什么酱油上浇麻油!What do you know about sesame oil added to soy sauce!

你可以在那个走道找到酱油跟麻油。You can find soybean sauce and sesame oil in that aisle.

最后在表面涂一层麻油,金黄金黄的糕做成了。Finally, coated with a layer of sesame oil, golden yellow cake made of.

下麻油及花雕酒略滚后,上碟,即成。Add sesame oil and Hua Diao Wine. Bring to just boil. Transfer to plate.

沪菜中多数是炒菜,麻油和醋放得较多。Much of the food is fried and there is greater use of sesame oil and vinegar.

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将猪肉碎,酱清,白胡椒粉,麻油,和鸡蛋混合搅拌。Mix minced pork with light soya sauce, white pepper, sesame oil and egg together.

他们必须谷米、蒸或油炸或麻油玉米轻轻在不登大雅之堂。They must be parboiled , steamed or fried lightly in unrefined corn or sesame oil.

洒入葱花,淋上生抽麻油即可食用。Sprinkle with the chopped spring onions and drizzle in light soya sauce and sesame oil.

麻油和种子为韩国创造金大中籍Congi猪肉菜腌坚果味。Sesame oil and seeds create a nutty flavor for the Korean pork dish Dae Ji Congi marinade.

而ω-3系列多不饱和脂肪酸我们则可从某些植物油中获得,例如麻油、芥花籽油和大豆油。We get omega-3 fatty acids from certain vegetable oils such as flaxseed, canola, and soybean.

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随后加入葱粒、生抽及麻油,熄火,再加入胡椒粉或盐调味即可。Add spring onion, light soya sauce and sesame oil. Remove from heat. Serve with pepper and salt to taste.

滴几滴麻油、日本火锅酱油、将碎葱花围绕豆腐。Drizzle sesame oil and shabu shabu dipping sauce around tofu. Sprinkle chopped spring onions around tofu.

在一大碗中混合豆腐,菠菜,一大勺凉拌酱,一小勺麻油,一大勺芝麻,拌匀。In a big bowl add tofu, spinach, 1 Tbs peanut flavored sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 Tbs sesame seeds. Mix well.

西方医学确实建议摄食几种和麻油鸡材料相同的成份。Western medicine actually recommends some of the exact same ingredients that make up the chicken hot pot dish.

然后把甲鱼肉和鸡肉一起放入锅内,焖烧六七分钟,淋上麻油少许即成。And then placed in a pot with fish and chicken, Braised burn 67 minutes, Serve topped with a little sesame oil.

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汽油,柴油,液化石油气,软麻油,甲酸,甲醛,乌洛托品,甲酸乙酯及化学试剂等。Gasoline, diesel oil, LPG, oil of softening jute, formaldehyde, hexamine, ethyl formate and other chemical reagents.

拌菜时只用生抽、胡椒粉、醋、芥茉等调味,尽量不用麻油。PICKLES only when the soy sauce, pepper, vinegar, mustard and other seasonings, as far as possible without sesame oil.

猪油、羊油、鸡油、麻油、花生油、黄蜡及蜂蜜等均能润肤护肤。Oil of lardy , sheep, chicken oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, yellow candle and honey all can embellish skin protects skin.