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记录纸上打印的分析图谱也能应用。Fingerprint on record paper can also be utilized.

结果薄层图谱斑点清晰,分离度好。Results The spots on TLC could be well separated.

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兴趣图谱更像一个迷你Twitter。These interest graphs are more like mini-Twitters.

所产生的输出数据结果则称之为电泳图谱。The data output from CE is called an electropherogram.

目前,一定数量牧草的遗传连锁图谱已经产生。Naw an extensive list of linkage maps have been dvafted.

考虑到这些因素,更大的蛋白作用图谱将会出现。"There will be larger maps after this one, " says Ecker.

通过红外图谱证明了合成的纳米金的亲脂性。Gold nanoparticles lipophicity was proved by IR spectrum.

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对胞壁质酶R2基因进行了限制酶切图谱分析。The restriction map of R2 gene was construed for further use.

麻仁方汤剂和混合配方颗粒图谱的相关系数为0。897。The correlation coefficient of both HPLC chromatograms was 0.897.

食物中的蛋白质组成情况可以从电泳图谱中表现出来。Protein composition in foods can be expressed by electrical graph.

目前,国内尚未有关长果黄麻遗传连锁图谱构建的报道。By now, there is no relative report on genetic linkage map of jute.

可行的途径是采用图谱克隆法。Instead, map-based cloning might be a better way for Yd2 isolation.

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电泳图谱是以迁移时间对电测器的反应数值做曲线。An electropherogram is a plot of migration time vs. detector response.

测量了标准图谱中铁素体晶粒度图形的分形维数。Fractal dimensions of grains in the standard photographs are measured.

我们钟情于或追求那些最符合我们“爱情图谱”的人。We fall for and pursue those people who most clearly fit our love map.

警察应该保留那些人的DNA图谱在数据库里呢?Whose DNA profiles should police be allowed to keep in their databases?

目的完善印迹基因在人类种植前胚胎的表达图谱。Objective To perfect gene profile expressed in pre-implantation embryos.

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PDZ1测序图谱与文献报道完全一致。The sequence of cloned PDZ1 was identical with that reported in GenBank.

你也可以通过双击一个语音图谱将它设置为比较器。You can also set a voice map as the comparator by double clicking on it.

五种有机酸对照品及板蓝根药材提取液毛细管电泳分离图谱。Fig 1. Typical electropherograms of five organic acids in Radix Isatidis.