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邀集有关人士讨论一下下一步干什么。People concerned have been invited here to discuss what to do next.

邀集有关人士讨论下一步干什么。People concerned have been called together here to discuss what to do next.

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邀集了日本、澳洲和美国的舞蹈家进行跨界的舞蹈交流。Dances from Japan, Australia and the US decided to join forces in a dance exchange.

他知人善任,邀集了一大批社会名流。With unerring intuition he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.

会议邀集了1000多位企业家和一个伊拉克代表团共同参加。The conference brings together more than 1,000 business entrepreneurs and an Iraqi delegation.

今年,康处长还打算邀集同事组队参加端午龙舟竞赛。This year, Mr. Castro plans to invite his colleagues to join the dragon boat competition during the Dragon Boat Festival.

邀集国内建筑专家来北京筹建国家建筑设计机构。To invite domestic building experts to come to Beijing to prepare to establish the national architectural design institution.

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国际电影年鉴的发行人们邀集全美戏院业者参考当年票房,选出最有票房号召力的十大明星。It asks movie theater owners and film buyers to vote for the 10 stars they believe generated the most box office revenue for their theaters during the year.

2006年,道尔建筑师事务所和Enviu环境研究团体邀集当地一些建筑师、学者和工程师开会,共同脑力激荡环保夜总会的概念。In 2006, a group of local architects, academics and engineers was convened by Doll architects and Enviu, an environmental research group, to brainstorm on the eco-club idea.

但我们最近才为了某个有关电子邮件系统与防垃圾邮件方法的技术会议,发函给未曾谋面的50位人士,以便邀集对方发表过的相关论文,但这50位人士当中并没有任何人抱怨。But we recently solicited papers for a technical conference to discuss email systems and anti-spam methods by sending requests to50 people we had never met who had published on this topic.