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合闸时,电闸就把电路接通了。When you close the switch, it completes the circuit.

如果机器发生故障,就把电闸关上。Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

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我更相信他现在是保佑着我们,因为电闸事件。I am more sure now he is watching over us since the electric incident.

所以每次抱他上来之前我都必须先把电闸打下来。So each time I had to shut off the power supply before I brought them in.

东方玉关掉了电闸,李三成功拿到了在密室里的画。Oriental jade turn off the switch, Li San successfully got the picture in the closet.

在供电局来您家做过安全检查之前,不要再合上电闸。Do not switch on the electricity gin until the power compny hs first checked your home.

这种电闸与矿工使用的设备类似,不会像普通的电路那样引起火花。Switches are similar to miners' equipment and don't cause sparks, as normal circuits can.

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在供电局来您家做过安全检查之前,不要再合上电闸。Do not switch on the electricity again until the power company has first checked your home.

“你看这个把手,”他说着,伸手去拉一个固定在车顶上的电闸。“"You see this handle, " he said, reaching up to an electric cut-off, which was fastened to the roof.

电闸箱周围、附近以及箱内要保持清洁,不准堆放其它物品。The inside and surrounding of the electric gate box should keep clean and do not put any other thing.

未经允许切勿触动设备开关、电闸或乱接电线。Don't touch the machine button, the electric switch, and connecting the electric wire without permission.

恒温器只不过是一种到达适当温度就自动开关的电闸。The thermostat is nothing more than an electric switch that opens and closes itself at the proper temperature.

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电工说,“我看没啥危险,不过你最好关上电闸,以防万一。”"I don't think there's any danger, "said the electrician, "but you'd better switch the electricity off in case.

平时要教会能担负起责任的家庭成员如何关闭燃气阀门、电闸以及水阀。Teach responsible members of your family how to turn off the gas, electricity, and water at valves and main switches.

该装置只要开关电闸,就能可靠地制动,抗风效果很好。The device which has favorable wind resistant effect can reliably perform braking by that a switch is turned on and turned off.

配置防电闸全能漏电保护插头,防范漏电和地线带电等异常情况,更加安全。Electric leakage protection plug to keep away injuries and damage resulted from electric leakage and charged earth wire – be much safer.

胜利躲过查岗的王芳,给美丽送来温馨宵夜,王芳妒忌,拉下电闸让美丽加不成班。Victory from the inspect the sentries wang fang, to send beautiful sweet snack, wang fang envy, pull down electric brake let beauty and no class.

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每次当你帮我修电脑的时候,我也会这么说你,更不必提你修电闸,补衣服,装开关的那些瞬间。Whenever you help me repair computer time, I would say that you, not to mention your repair gates, fill clothes, those instantaneous switching equipment.

分励脱扣分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。Shunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal.

平时要教会能担负起责任的家庭成员如何关闭燃气阀门、电闸以及水阀。Teach responsible members of your family how to turn off the gas, electricity, and water at valves and main switches. Consult your local utilities if you need more information.