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特别是鲑鱼。Especially the salmon.

你有没有熏制的鲑鱼?。Do you have smoked salmon?

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那条河里多鲑鱼。That river abounds with salmon.

鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。The salmon are running upstream.

鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。The salmons are running upstream.

直到鲑鱼也可以在街上歌唱。And the salmon sing in the street.

许多鲑鱼正跃向瀑布。Many salmons are leaping up the falls.

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鲑鱼排,先生,鱼酱,先生。Salmon steak, sir. Anchovy butter, sir?

鲑鱼捕食蝌蚪和小青蛙。Trout feed on tadpoles and young frogs.

这些河流里盛产鲑鱼和狗鱼。The rivers were rich in salmon and pike.

他们正餐吃的是鲑鱼、鹌鹑肉和水果。They dined off salmon, quail, and fruit.

这条河里有许多鲑鱼。There are many salmons inside this river.

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有,刚刚进了条头等到鲑鱼。Yes, a beautiful salmon had just come in.

在三月份以前鲑鱼不会上市。Fresh Salmon doesn't come in before March.

今天的鲑鱼很好,很新鲜。The salmon is good toady, it's very fresh.

鲑鱼排上加些什么装饰物呢?What garnishes come with the salmon steak?

雄鲑鱼弯下颚弯曲或钩状的雄鲑鱼的下颌。Curved or hooked lower jaw of a male salmon.

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柠檬汁煎鲑鱼,有附白饭。It's cooked with lemon and savored with rice.

威风凛凛的白头鹰也爱吃鲑鱼。Majestic bald eagles also feast on the salmon.

当鲑鱼逆流去产卵时,熊就会大块朵颐。As salmon moves upstream to spawn, bear feasts.