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它以前叫石碳酸。It was known as carbolic acid.

你对碳酸氢纳认识多少?What do you know about sodium bicarbonate?

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锌不仅是碳酸酚酶。Zinc is not only phenol oxidase in carbonate.

但大多数运动饮料其实就是非碳酸类的汽水。But most of them are basically non-carbonated soda.

再里面是又一道亚麻涂黑的石碳酸。Inside of that is another black phenolic thin ring.

二氧化碳一旦进入水中,就会发生反应形成碳酸。Once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid.

湖南永州氧化锰,碳酸锰。Manganese, carbonic acid manganese in Yongzhou, Hunan.

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上升的碳酸浓度使海水的酸度越来越高。A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean.

实验组患者充填碳酸化羟基磷灰石水泥。Patients of the experimental group were filled with chc.

由萃余液可沉淀出碳酸镍粗产品。Crude nickel carbonate can be precipitated from raffinate.

或者说,我们探察饱和碳酸的技巧可能是一次意外。Or, our carbonation-detecting skills could be an accident.

毒重石又称天然碳酸钡。The natural barium carbonate is called witherite commonly.

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你觉得碳酸氢纳和醋加在一起会有何反应?How do you think sodium bicarbonate and vinegar will react?

那些含有碳酸氢盐或美白成分等有研磨作用的牙膏。Abrasive tooth pastes such as bicarbonate or whitening pastes.

二氧化碳和水混合的结果是形成碳酸。Mix carbon dioxide with water and the result is carbonic acid.

一位玻利维亚化学家正在展示提取出来的少量碳酸锂。A Bolivian chemist displays a small amount of lithium carbonate.�

采用共沉淀法合成了碳酸钡粒子。Barium carbonate was prepared by using common precipitation method.

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许多海洋浮游植物使用碳酸氢盐离子进行光合作用。Many species of marine phytoplankton use HCO3-1 for photosynthesis.

本文研究了以碳酸镍合成硼酰化镍的新方法。This paper reports a new synthetic method of nickel borate acylate.

图片中呈现的效果通过使用氧化铜和碳酸锶实现。In this case, copper oxide and strontium carbonate get the job done.