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是否是小说?Is it fiction?

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地平线是否平直?Is it straight?

你是否信任我?If you trust me?

他是否耐心?Is he impatient?

是否奴役?Is it Enslaving?

灵魂是否是不朽的Is it immortal?"

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那么这是否正确?So is it correct?

你是否太挑剔?Are you too picky?

你是否经常咒骂?Do you cuss often?

即,你们是否要参选Do you run or not?

它是否被编码过?How is it encoded?

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是否还是一个回文呢?让我提醒你一下。Let me remind you.

你是否原谅她?Do you forgive her?

我是否太贪心了?Was I being greedy?

你是否会颤抖?Would Uyou tremble.

是否用完即扔!Is it use and throw!

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是否要假装我喜欢他们?Pretend I like them?

那些建议是否不受欢迎?Are they undesirable?

你们是否身高六尺六?Are you six-feet-six?