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“他们的情况已经火烧眉毛了,”利文斯说。"Their hair is on fire, " he says.

你就是找不到她们的弱点,并火烧眉毛地要告诉全世界。You can't wait to tell the world about it.

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墨西哥湾的局势火烧眉毛。The situation in the Gulf of Mexico is imminent.

听起来太好了。我此刻就火烧眉毛想去崂山,张蜜斯。Sounds great. I can't wait to go there now, Miss Zhang.

除非火烧眉毛了,否则我就是不想工作。I just have no appetite for work until it becomes urgent.

也许是因为火烧眉毛了就开始努力吧。Maybe we know we are close to the end and we really push ourselves.

但也管不了那么多了,已经火烧眉毛了,现在什么都阻止不了你。But none of that matters anymore because you're on fire. Nothing can stop you now.

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终于,天完整黑下来,自己们正火烧眉毛地冲出年夜门,却被年夜阿姨叫住啦。Finally, the day completely dark, we are eager to out the door, he was great aunt stopped.

而我们都火烧眉毛了,还在对政府是否在市场上扮演角色问题上,浪费时间。While we fiddle about whether or not government has a role to play in the market, Rome burns.

提高消费者本身的防备认识、自我平安安康维护认识曾经火烧眉毛。Raise consumer own awareness of safety and health protection consciousness, and self is imminent.

树立一个疏通的告发渠道,构建一个无力的食品平安保证机制同样也是火烧眉毛!Establish an open channels, to construct a powerful report of food safety guarantee mechanism is also imminent!

咱们这儿都火烧眉毛了,你还跟不知道似的,敢情不干你的事!We here always highly pressing, you return and don't understand, defiance the consciousness not do your commerce!

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要是你已经火烧眉毛了,最不希望的就是还有人火上浇油。If you ever find yourself sick with Saturday night fever, the last thing you want is for someone to turn up the heat.

小偷小摸的时候莽撞行事大概还有点小用,不过咱现在都火烧眉毛了,行吧?The bull-in-the-china-shop routine might have worked when you were stealing gumballs, but our asses are on the line now, okay?

大部分人们认识到,现在每个月会减少60万个职位,“火烧眉毛”胜过了“希望”和“改变”。Most people recognise that, with the country shedding jobs at the rate of 600,000 a month, the “fierce urgency of now” trumps “hope” and “change”.

鸡饭仔等被捕的众人身上已被绑满了炸药,导火索曾经点燃,形势火烧眉毛,众人命悬瞬息之间。Chicken rice ideal as all of them have been arrested tie filled with explosives, fuse once ignited the situation fire eyebrows, all hanging between rapidly.

古人还有紧急到火烧眉毛的事情,用快马轮换着送信,沿途的驿站散发着马鼻子里的气息。People in ancient times had to send extremely urgent letters by way of riding horses and changing them at courier stations which were filled with the horses' winded breath.