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科学是价值中性的吗?。Value-Neutral Science Is?

科学是价值中性的吗?。Is Science Value- neutral?

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服务应该更为中性化。Service must be net neutral.

牙科医生则是完全中性。"Dentist" is fairly neutral.

灰褐色是最完美的中性颜色。The perfect neutral is taupe.

他是一个中性的老师。He was a natural-born teacher.

马血涂片,中性粒细胞Equine blood smear, neutrophils

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不过,何谓“中性”后果呢?But what of the "neutral" outcomes?

但我们在互联网上的行为并非中性。But what we do there isn’t neutral.

咖啡在下午三点左右是中性的。Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral.

他就是个两性掺在一起的中性人。One of those mixed middlings he is.

电中性原则不允许这样。Charge neutrality won't allow for it.

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不可乱用非中性清洁剂。Do not mess with the neutral detergent.

这个名词属于中性。The noun "school" is of the neuter gender.

第三组要解的则是些中性词语。The third group unscrambled neutral words.

玻璃品掺合了嗜中性粒细胞。Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils.

采用中性的语言通常是比较适当的。Gender-neutral language is often appropriate.

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脓肿是局限化的嗜中性粒细胞感染灶。An abscess is a localized collection of PMN's.

另外,两个项目有中性性别差异。And there were two items showing moderate DIF.

它能满足中性束注入系统对真空的要求。It can meet the requirements of NBI for vacuum.