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别跟我耍把戏。Don't get funny with me.

她耍把戏逗我笑。She amused me by tricks.

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还要扮鬼脸,耍把戏?Do monkey faces and tricks?

你的狗会耍把戏吗?Does your dog know any tricks?

他教那猴子耍把戏。He taught the monkey to do tricks.

那个耍把戏的人从帽子里变出一只兔子来。The juggler conjured a rabbit out of the hat.

此外,所有大而持续的系统也这样耍把戏。And all large, sustaining systems play the game.

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你跟那些耍把戏的走了,都到了些什么地方呢?You go with those juggler, all went to some place?

你必须让他们开怀大笑,耍把戏。You'e got to make them laugh and do monkey tricks.

你必须让他们开怀大笑,耍把戏。You've got to make them laugh and do monkey tricks.

和陌生人交谈和耍把戏或秘密都毫不相干。Talking to strangers has nothing to do with tricks or secrets.

接下来的10年,我们扮鬼脸,耍把戏,逗孙子孙女们开心。For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and monkey tricks.

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在歌曲里你可看到小丑、动物、一个强壮的男人、耍把戏的人、空中飞人和马戏团表演指导者。In the song you see clowns, animals, a strong man, jugglers, trapeze artists and the ringmaster.

有人告诉我们说,要快乐,我们就需要最新式的样板展车,最新式的电视或电脑,但这一切都是耍把戏,是一种营销活动。We are told we need that latest model car, or TV or computer to be happy, but it's all a trick, a marketing move.

但是他的邻人们却以为他又在耍把戏,谁都不理会他的喊叫,于是狼把羊吃了。But his neighbors, supposing him to be at his old sport, paid no heed to his cries, and the wolf devoured the sheep.

就是为了确定加油站的人没有跟我耍把戏,我们知道规则并且遵守规则,我们从来不给我们可能没想象过的事情留余地,我们过快的就把门关上了。We know the rules and we follow them, and we never make room for things we might not have imagined. We close the door too soon.

如果我们把生活看作耍把戏或一种体育竞赛,我们就会学着赞同那些对我们的限制和阻碍。If we view our lives as a juggling act or a sort of sporting contest, we learn to go along with the limitations and obstacles that are dealt us.

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如果我们把生活看作耍把戏或一种体育竞赛,我们就会学着赞同那些对我们的限制和阻碍。If we view our lives as a juggling4 act or a sort of sporting contest, we learn to go along with the limitations and obstacles that are dealt us.

什么?让他们开怀大笑?做鬼脸耍把戏?10年就够了,另外10年还给你上帝同意了。The monkey objected. What? Make them laugh? Do monkey faces and tricks? Ten years will do, and the other 10 years Ill give you back. So God agreed.