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我想抒写一本不一样的爱情史。I want to express a different love history.

我想抒写一本不一样的爱情史。I would like to express a distinct love history.

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诗歌提供了词藻来抒写他们的感情。It gave them words to attatch to their feelings.

激情点燃梦想火焰,运动抒写东师华章。Passion sparks dream, Sport opens a new chapter of communication.

高扬大爱旗帜,抒写乡愁是琦君乐此不疲要表达的中心。With high profile of great love, homesickness is her constant theme.

第四部分主要论述辛弃疾田园隐逸情怀的抒写艺术。The fourth part mainly discusses the expressive art of xinqiji's rural emotion.

暂不问其悲与乐,积极抑或堕落,却都是在抒写着自己的那段图景。Pls ask its joys and, positive or fallen, are described with their that picture.

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从题目看,“反七律体”仍体现了七言歌行自由抒写的特征,但其形式是七言八句而“非格律化”。It usually took the form of eight seven-character lines but was not regulated-versed.

新历史小说注重对人性的抒写和悲剧情节的构思。The new historical novel is good at expressing human nature and designing tragedy plot.

和许多作家一样方方抒写了卑琐无能的父辈形象。Like many other writers, Fang Fang has expressed humble and incompetent images of fathers.

他们带来了一场行业革命,抒写了好莱坞前所未有的历史。Together they had a revolution onthe industry and placed an unpresented record Hollywood history.

然而正是这悲剧的意识使许多人醮着它的汁液抒写出了许多生命的华章。However, it is the awareness of tragedy that contributes to literary works about brilliant human life.

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希望自己的作品每个都有生命力,都有一个故事在诠释,在诉说,在抒写。I hope each with their own work life, there is a story in the interpretation of the story, in Writing.

小山将散曲当作诗来创作,描写山水,抒写性灵。Zhang Kejiu takes Sanqu verse to describe landscapes and to express natural disposition and intelligence.

继往开来,湖北昂扬振作,正以奋发有为的精神状态,抒写着历史的新篇章。Inheriting the past and opening a way for future, Hubei is writing a new chapter of history in high spirits.

贺卡的存在仅仅是因为人们懒于抒写他们真正的感受或者就只解释说不在乎。Greeting cards exist solely because people are too lazy to write how they really feel or just plain don’t care.

杜拉斯和林白作为女性作家,都以自身特有的生命体验来抒写情感。As female writers, both Duras and Linbi have express the feeling of their own according to their life experiences.

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我都会将再次执笔,将它抒写,只是,怕有一天,我拿起画笔时,却不知该怎样绘画你的容颜。I will write again, it will describe, but, if one day, I picked up a brush, but I don't know how to paint your face.

八大的山水笔笔从心坎流出,犹如一首抒情诗,抒写着他的性灵,印证着他的人生,寄寓着他的理想。His landscapes outflow from the heart like a lyric poem, describe his spirit, confirm his life and ignite his ideals.

二周用现代文体抒写了现代社会中孤独的生存体验及身处过去未来交界处的中间意识。With the modern style of prose, Lu and Zhou have expressed the modern awareness of individual's loneliness and consciousness of transition.