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这天晚上酷寒难当。The night was bitter cold.

其实一点小事就让你一天郁闷难当。It dosen't take much to bring on a blue day.

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我真不相信自己喝得那么醉。真让我羞愧难当。I can't believe I got so drunk. I feel so ashamed.

我把真实原因告诉他时,底气不足,羞愧难当。I felt ashamed as I weakly told him the real reason.

一些特克斯可能很难当陌生人缠身。Some Tekes may be difficult when ridden by strangers.

觉得朴实无华的木制弓箭难当大任么?Plain old wooden arrows just not getting the job done?

尽管闷热难当,我们已经跑过了一连串的里程碑。Even in the sweltering heat, the milestones keep coming.

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人人都明白,生活有时苦酸难当。We can all agree that sometimes life just comes up all lemons.

在什么时候承认你买不起一些东西会变得羞愧难当呢?When did admitting you can’t afford something become shameful?

却只听得二人血液沸腾,怒恨难当。But only hear two human blood boiling, anger hate catatonic state.

我们现在知道了那些安全壳结构事实上是多么地难当重任。We now know how inadequate those containment structures proved to be.

我觉得自己在批判长辈时被发现了,突然感到羞愧难当。I had been caught judging one of my elders, and I suddenly felt ashamed.

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身体这么虚弱我觉得很难为情,而呕吐时我更加感到羞愧难当。I was ashamed of being so weak. I was even more ashamed when I threw up.

曾因为通过别人才得知自己母亲的近况而感到愧疚难当吗?Have you ever felt guilty for hearing news about your mother second-hand?

你知道吗,那里的条件非常艰苦,而且严寒难当。The conditions are really harsh, I tell you, it gets pretty cold up there.

“一而再再而三地触犯法律,真是令我羞愧难当”,他对埃文斯这样说。"This was a hugely shameful thing to have done repeatedly, " he told Evans.

一年前的今天,史蒂夫离开了我们,他的的去世让我们悲痛难当。Steve's passing one year ago today was a sad and difficult time for all of us.

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结果他们所给的答案,使许多诗人和哲学家羞愧难当。Their answers , it turns out , put many of those poets and philosophers to shame.

虽然被蚊子叮后皮肤会长出红包,而且奇痒难当,但它一开始刺入皮肤是不会产生痛感的。Whatever the red, itchy aftermath, a mosquito’s initial injection is often painless.

领主嫉愤难当,杀死了那名行吟诗人,并把诗人的心给他妻子吃。In a jealous rage the lord killed the troubadour and served his wife the man's heart.