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快乐的人未雨绸缪。Happy people plan ahead.

多少你的小卖店距离未雨绸缪?How much should you tuck away for a rainy day?

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然而,当局的未雨绸缪是明智的。Nevertheless, the bureau is wise to plan ahead.

你未雨绸缪的情绪。我用情极深的烙印。You save for a rainy day emotions. I used feeling deep imprint.

我们还要未雨绸缪,准备应付健康面临的其它威胁。And there are other threats to health that we need to anticipate.

但维拉罗萨心怀谨慎,未雨绸缪。But Villarosa is careful here as well and has rainy days in mind.

这在比赛中是很正常的,但现在我们必须未雨绸缪。It is normal that comparisons are made, but now we must think ahead.

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在你还健康时不要犹豫你是否需要这些,什么叫未雨绸缪?Avoid will challenge by making out your will when you are still in good health.

未雨绸缪能够用到很多方面,就是万万别绸缪在电脑上。We can prepare for the future in many areas, but let us not do it on computers.

未雨绸缪能够用到很多方面,就是万万别绸缪在电脑上。We can prepare for the future in many areas, but let us not do so on computers.

发生金融危机以来,美国企业一直在未雨绸缪地存钱。Companies have been socking cash away for a rainy day since the financial crisis.

我们正好可以未雨绸缪,你问过自己母亲在母亲节那天想要什么礼物么?That is right around the corner. Did you ask your mom what she wanted for Mother's Day?

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土星可能浅谈未雨绸缪和预算节省您的财务经验。Saturn may have taught you financial lessons about saving for a rainy day and budgeting.

未雨绸缪,思考一下您的长期职业生涯规划,要聪明地做出选择。Be proactive, think about your long-term career strategy, and be smart about your choices.

一旦你那样子做了,就必须未雨绸缪的去省钱为这些即将来临的债务而做准备你知道它会来的。Once you’ve done that, start saving for the rainy day you know will come and it will come.

未雨绸缪,决策于先,科学地制定造纸产业的发展战略已刻不容缓。As far as papermaking industry concerned, to set down strategic measures is no time to delay.

事实上,总统尼克松已经事先准备好了一场未雨绸缪的吊唁演讲。In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly.

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未雨绸缪,看事情如何发展,你想做出什么变革,在秋天有条不紊地开始你的计划。Take stock in how things are going, what changes you’d like to make, and set the plan in motion for the fall.

软件包和软件供应商有时在许多方面并非正面影响业务,鉴于此,未雨绸缪尤显重要。Software packages and vendors can impact a business in a great number of ways, and at times not so positively.

但笔者认为与其把精力放在事后的赔偿上,莫不如未雨绸缪,做好事先预防工作,切实保障公众的利益。The focus is not the state compensation, but the protection of public interests by doing the prevention work well.