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每个人都是王国之主!Every man will be a king!

没有永垂不朽的王国。No kingdom lasts forever.

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欢迎来到大卫王国!Weclome to David's State!

船长是王国伟。The Captain is Wang Guowei.

我完全沉迷在我自己的王国中。I cocooned in my own kingdom.

妳们的王国将是强盛的。Thine Empire shall be strong.

我们已经把它们的王国夷为废墟!We've turned kingdoms to dust!

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胡里是充满魅力的王国。Foxy is full of charming kingdom.

欢迎古埃及王国。Welcome to ancient Egypt Kingdom.

王国成的病情日渐恶化。Guocheng's condition deteriorated.

一场决定王国命运的战斗!Joust for the fate of the kingdom!

那么整个王国都将受益。Then the whole kingdom will benefit.

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他到自己的王国去了。He betook himself to his own kingdom.

荷兰是郁金香的王国。The Netherlands is the tulip kingdom.

进占着大陆王国滨海的领地。Advantage on the kingdom of the shore.

孤高是没有王冠的王国。Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.

中国被称为“兵乓王国”。China is called “table tennis kingdom”.

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伊拉贡可能是王国的最后希望。Eragon may be the Kingdom's final hope.

塞尔维亚-克罗的亚-斯洛凡尼亚王国…Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes.

让我们值得的地狱王国。Make us worthy to the infernal kingdom.