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当然那里人多势众。Surely there’s safety in numbers.

人多势众。Many hands provide great strength.

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不同的是三桅帆船人多势众。But the clippers had had plenty of crew.

看到敌人人多势众,他们抱头鼠窜了。Seeing that the enemy were many, they ran away.

人多势众的需求,责备,叫骂。Overwhelm with numerical strength demand, blame, shouting.

人多势众的逻辑也应该确保意大利免受灾难。That safety-in-numbers logic ought to keep Italy from trouble, too.

在对方人多势众下,小嘉与家强终被凶徒抓住。Under the other large, small and strong home was caught by the killers.

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在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers.

那些告诉妇女他们重视人际关系超过性别关系的男人们现在有了人多势众来支持他们的论点。Men who tell women they value relationships over sex now have the weight of numbers to back their argument.

而共和党人依仗人多势众更是坚定地排除了不增税这一议程。Republicans, emboldened by the success of their bullying, have closed ranks more solidly around a no-tax agenda.

你们根本没什么本事,你以为人多势众会打倒我吗?别妄想了,我可是个无所不知的奥运小才女。You have no capacity at all. Do you think you will beat us by numbers? Stop delusion. I'm a know-all talent girl.

然而,通过也只能说明民主党这次决心不小并且在国会的人多势众,与民众热情却是无关了。If it does, that success will reflect the Democrats' numbers in Congress and their determination, not public enthusiasm.

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熟人关系网保护了赫德、菲利普斯及其许多同类,这证明了人多势众。The Old Boys' Network that shielded Hurd, Phillips, and so many of their brethren is proof that there's safety in numbers.

随着夜幕降临,冲突中伦敦警力似乎不及骚乱者人多势众,在一些重大的抢掠事件中警方完全缺位。As the night wore on, London's police force seemed outnumbered in clashes with rioters and simply absent from some major looting incidents.

虽然应用数码相机的摄影喜欢者人多势众,把控着摄影艺术界,但还是有一些摄影师执恋于胶片相机。While digital cameras have taken hold of the art of photography due to their ubiquity, some shooters still hold a tight emotional connection to film cameras.

熊阔海和于挺想要冒险拼死营救,无奈敌人人多势众,二人只能眼睁睁的看着季德平受伤被捕。XiongKuo sea and on pretty want adventure desperate to rescue, but the enemy there is safety in Numbers, two people just watched JiDePing injuries were arrested.

当年,张启山和他的爹还有一众族人与日本人进行了一场激烈的枪战,无奈日军人多势众,武器精良,张启山的爹和其他族人就此惨遭杀害。When Zhang Qishan ethnic and his dad and the Japanese conducted a fierce gun battle, but the Japanese legion, weaponry, Zhang Qishan father and other people were killed.

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通过一系列的升级,比如政委,莫洛托夫鸡尾酒和额外的步枪,他们可以获得一些可观的战斗能力,而且,他们人多势众。Trough a variety of upgrades, like the commissar, molotov cocktails or extra rifles, they can gain some considerable combat strength though. And there will be many of them.