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如果你家中有血压计,你可以试一下。Give it a try if youhave a blood pressure monitor at home.

最早的血压计用于测量谁的血压?At whose blood pressure measuring is the earliest tonometer used?

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宁波哪里有欧姆龙电子血压计?Where do there is ohm of dragon electron sphygmomanometer in Ningbo?

目的测试臂式电子血压计测量准确性。Objective To test the accuracy of the electronic sphygmomanometer arm.

结论血压计袖带必须定期消毒。CONCLUSIONS The cuff of sphygmomanometer should be sterilized regularly.

血压计是测量血压的仪器。Sphygmomanometer is a kind of instrument which can measure pressure blood.

方法用水银柱血压计随机检测2000名新生血压。Methods Random measurement of blood pressure was made to 2000 new students.

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Withings的新血压计就是一款能实现这一功能的高科技产品。Withings' new Blood Pressure Monitor is a high-tech way to accomplish this.

目的确定腕式电子血压计的准确性。Objective To determine the accuracy of electronic wrist blood pressure monitor.

护士用血压计给他测血压,他很不高兴。He is very unhappy because the nurse used a sphygmomanometer to test his blood pressure.

应在止血带或血压计使用前压出所有剩余气体。All air is expressed from the sphygmomanometer or pneumatic tourniquet before application.

但是供专业人士使用的水银血压计不在此禁令之内。Mercury blood-pressure devices for use by professionals have, however, escaped being banned.

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病人在臀部配带一个电池操作装置和手臂的一个血压计。The patient wears the battery-operated deice on the hip and a blood pressure cuff on the arm.

病人在臀部配带一个电池操作装置和手臂的一个血压计。The patient wears the battery-operated device on the hip and a blood pressure cuff on the arm.

结论普通血压计同样可准确测定人工气道气囊压力。Conclusion Normal sphygmomanometer can effective measure the artifical airway ballonet pressure.

本文提出了一种无损、快捷的血压计的电路设计和实现方法。This paper presents a nondestructive and fast design and realization method of sphygmomanometer.

你可以去药店、小诊所或用家用血压计在家里自己测量。You can do this yourself with a home blood pressure kit, at the doctor’s office, or at the pharmacy.

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电子血压计和多普勒超声测定的四肢血压比较未见统计学差异。It was no statistical difference between Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor and mercury sphygmomanometer.

然而,stergiou博士警告,由自动血压计获得的更小读数需要进一步的研究。However, Dr. Stergiou cautions that the lower readings seen with the automated device need further study.

人工测量的血压计是水银柱血压计和气压表式血压计。Manual measuring uses mercury column type sphygmomanometer or barometric pressure manner sphygmomanometer.