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他对下属大吼大叫。He screams at subordinates.

管理175名下属销售人员。Managed regional sales staff of 175.

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是承德钢铁公司下属吧?Material Filiale of Chengde Steel Co.

安吉拉曾是她下属中一个快嘴的人。Angela was a fast subordinate of hers.

他总是对他的下属屈尊就驾。He always condescends to his subordinates.

她喜欢对其下属摆威风、耍架子。She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.

青年部是这个俱乐部的下属单位。The youth division is attached to the club.

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他靠下属的奉承而发迹。He thrived on the adulation of his henchman.

我公司是烟台市房管局的下属公司。Yantai City company is a subsidiary of the HKMA.

与下属坦诚相待,这是你对他们应有的态度。You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.

每一个人都有自己的上级,自己的下属。Everyone has their superiors, and their inferiors.

如果你是老板,不要约会你的下属。If you are the boss, DON'T date your subordinates.

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华天之星是华天集团下属的经济型酒店的子品牌。Star-days-a-day group's economic sub-brand hotels.

黑格不想向下属们寻求指导。Haig tended not to seek guidance from subordinates.

你们两个我都是我下属,少校,不要忘了!I outrank you both. Major. and don't you forget it!

据有线电视新闻网下属的KMOV报道,大约有50人受伤。About 50 people were hurt, CNN affiliate KMOV reported.

约会技巧可以认为是该项的一个下属分支。Dating skills are a sub-type of this deeper foundation.

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索贝斯公司系久大集团下属子公司。The Salbes company is a subsidiary of JiuDa Salt Group.

可惜,这时的他已经是我下属的护花护者。Unfortunately, he is my subordinate guardian protector.

部门经理把工作移交给下属。The deparment manager devolved the work on a subordinate.