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实是禽兽不如!Are not in animals!

他们禽兽不如。They're lower than the animals.

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他的行为等于禽兽。He is like a beast in behaviour.

人类或禽兽的那分冷漠。We have to dread from man or beast.

人类的行为有时候连禽兽都不如。Man sometimes behaves worse than animals.

他的禽兽行为令人发指。His bestiality made people bristle with anger.

我的禽兽生活佔领了我生活的统治地位。My animalistic life is in a dominate position.

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必须没有土匪、流氓、罪犯、无教养的禽兽!No dacoits, rouges, criminals, uneducated brutes!

禽兽尚能如此,何况进化先进的人类呢?!The animals can do so well, what about the advanced human being?

在我们的文化中,我们说男人在性方面有如禽兽。We say in our culture that men act like animals in the sexual realm.

悟空,悟先生,你怎么能够跟观音姐姐像禽兽一样讲话呢?Wukong,Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?

喀弥喀里说,一个人如果行为像禽兽的话,他会以禽兽的身份重生。Karmically, one can be reborn as an animal if one behaves like one too.

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冬季,千里冰封、银装素裹、原野空旷、禽兽出没。Winter, Trinidad frozen, snow-wrapped, open fields, animals come and go.

好多禽兽就是靠这种诺言起家的,那是欺骗!By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie.

饱食暖衣,逸居而无教,则近于禽兽。Satiation warm clothing, Yat home without religion, while near an animal.

为了避免这种禽兽不如的事情发生,便有了礼貌性上床。In order to avoid such a beast than to happen, there are a courtesy to bed.

无父无君,是禽兽也。But to acknowledge neither king nor father is to be in the state of a beast.

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最凶猛的禽兽,见人家抚摸它的幼雏也会驯服起来的。The most ferocious creatures are disarmed by caresses bestowed on their young.

另外,情绪化的问题是否就同蒙罗医生所言乃“禽兽之性”?Alternatively, is the liability to emotion a "mark of the beast", as Moreau claims?

当年烧北京圆明园的那些禽兽原产于那几个山头儿?Beijing Yuanmingyuan was burned those animals originating in the head several mountain?