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我先跟你们宣布一下。A few announcements.

我有大消息要宣布。I have some big news.

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我欢欣雀跃地宣布。I joyously announced.

他是在1767年被正式宣布为圣徒的。He was canonized in 1767.

国王宣布判她死罪。The king doomed her death.

什么时候我们能宣布胜利?When do we declare victory?

他宣布与他那逆子断绝关系。He renounced his wicked son.

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已贴出通告宣布该船失踪。The ship was posted missing.

闯出去,重新宣布拥有自己的生活。Go out and reclaim your life.

我宣布你们结为夫妇。I pronounce you man and wife.

审判团宣布其判决。The jury delivered its verdict.

现在我宣布你们结为水果沙拉。I now pronounce you fruit salad.

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陪审团宣布它的裁定。The jury brought in its verdict.

裁判宣布他没有越位。The referee declared him onside.

现在我宣布你们结为合法夫妇。I now pronounce you man and wife.

不久就要宣布这班飞机的起飞时间了。The flight will is announce soon.

宣布了一个国定假日。A national holiday was proclaimed.

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而且由谁来宣布?And who's going to pronounce this?

居鲁士就这样宣布了这个命令。Cyrusthen proclaimed this command.

本人特此宣布你们结为夫妇。I hereby declare you man and wife.