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感谢批判者。By thanking the critic.

没有批判的关注。Notice without critiquing.

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托马斯,您对小布什一贯非常批判,Tom,,you’ve been very rough on him.

我会批判他们I'm going to criticize them.

提出有建设性的批判。Be critical but constructive.

这就是自我批判的概念That is the critical concept.

第一种批判对错参半。The first charge is half right.

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古兰经则彻底批判利息,他们说,利息貌似是生意,但上帝许你做生意不许你收利息。The Koran damns interest outright

有些批判者们说她太另类了。Some critics say she's derivative.

我忘记其它的批判是什么了。I forget what other criticisms are.

我们来听听批判声吧,请说?So let's hear from the critics. Yes?

因为没有批判和吹牛的必要。There is no need to criticize or brag.

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没有一种技术,可以被不加以批判地采用。No technology should be adopted uncritically.

批判与拯救——马尔库塞的艺术功能论。The function of art's criticizing and rescuing.

他几乎对所有享乐主义的东西都加以批判。He was largely critical of all things Epicurean.

为什么学者不把它叫“编辑批判”?Why did scholars not call it "editing criticism"?

国民性批判问题是复杂的。The issue of nationality animadverting is complex.

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小天是个有批判思维的、不盲从的人。Albert has critical thinking and will not be slavish.

首先,停止所有对自己和对他人的苛责批判。First, stop all criticism toward yourself and others.

马克思具有深刻的社会自我批判思想。Marx has a profound thought of social self-criticism.