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换言之“书卷气”是写在每个人脸上的。In the other word, it can be shown on people’s face.

我一向以为“书卷气”首先是可以“学而知之”的。that the scholarliness can be first be gained by social learning.

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她把自己对他们的悲悯渗透在书卷气的字里行间。She seeps her grief to them in the air of scholarly refinementbetween the lines.

如果你被人讥笑缺少书卷气,弥补的最好方法就是读书。If you are laughed at for the lack of scholarliness, the best way to make up is read.

“书卷气”虽然只是个抽象的精神概念,却可以通过十分具体的方式表现出来。Scholarliness is only an abstract mental concept, but can be reflected in concrete ways.

无论是书卷气、沉郁、还是风流,都是中国古典美学的概念。The scholarliness, melancholy and grace are all concepts of classical Chinese aesthetics.

文人气或者书卷气,是中国书画?理论中的一个重要概念。Being scholarly or intellectual is a key concept in Chinese painting and calligraphy theories.

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作画自然是书卷气为重,但是根基还是最要紧的。As the most important painting is of pedantic, but the foundation is still the most important thing.

现年59岁的海登虽看起来身材矮小,书卷气很浓,但却已显示出愿意挺身而出,与拉姆斯菲尔德交锋的胆魄。Diminutive and bookish in appearance Hayden 59 has already shown himself willing to stand up to10 Rumsfeld.

构建具有中国特色的当代书籍装帧设计风格,就要深入传统,对书卷气进行分析和研究。Construction of the Chinese book design system means a study of the traditional design and an analysis of the book 'QI'.

LSE古朴典雅的萧伯纳图书馆经过CIBL和LSE的精心布置,显得充满书卷气而又特别温馨。The Shaw Library of LSE demonstrated its academic and warm atmosphere thanks to the elaborate arrangement by CIBL and LSE.

从而将书画的视觉美与文学的意象美融为一体,产生浓重的书卷气与丰厚的审美内涵。It combines the visual beauty of paintings and the imago beauty of culture, which brings strong scholar′s style and rich aesthetic connotation.

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同是在那次旅途之中,还有一个书卷气的人为了保护他为自己妻子买的一对兰花而站了12个小时。On the same journey there was a bookish looking man who spent twelve hours standing so as to protect a pair of orchids he had bought for his wife.

书籍是一种承载文化与信息的特殊商品,书卷气与文化意蕴是书籍的特质。The book is a special Commodity which bears Culture and Information. The beauty of books and the cultural connotations are the characters of books.

杨照穿着宽大的白衬衫,四十五岁的脸上依旧书卷气十足,像是个刚刚上完早课的大学讲师。Yang Zhao wore loose white shirt, with thorough scholar's style on his 45 years' face, looking like a university lecturer who just finished the morning class.

中国文化赋予她自身是具有书卷气的,富有智慧和道德的学说,然而实践只证明了这是弱小贫瘠的表现。Chinese culture endowed itself with abundant bookish and romantic wisdom and moral teaching, yet when it comes to practice it has always been a dwarf of meagerness.

而对支撑着书法存在的“书卷气”这一重要素质的理解,也因态度上的保守或偏激,出现了本不应该出现的误区。And there appear some misunderstandings that should not appear in understanding "scholarliness" that maintains the existence of calligraphy due to conservativeness or radicalness.

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落地台灯与发人遐思的和煦的灯光,黄色的向日葵和各种养眼绿植,洒落斜斜阳光的大窗户,充满了足足的书卷气。Floor lamps with inspiring warm lights, yellow sunflowers, beautiful greeneries, big windows with sunlight projected on them, are all ingredients of the store's flavor of bookishness.

卧牛河,被誉为“中国民间文化艺术之乡”,在这个方圆数百里的镇子里,居住的是地地道道的农民,他们耕田劳作,谈吐中却流露着浓浓的书卷气。Wau River, known as the "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art" in this town house for miles around, live-out farmers, their farming crafts, conversation in the eyebrows with a strong pedantic.